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他是一位跳高的运动员。He's a high-jumper.

她是一名跳远运动员。She's a long-jumper.

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我是一个足球运动员。I'm a football player.

不会的,就像运动员一样No. It's like athletes.

体操运动员有这么强的控制力和纪律性。control and discipline.

书呆子问运动员。Bookworm asked Sportsman.

斯万卡还是个运动员。Swank is also an athlete.

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斯万卡还是个运动员。Swank, too, is an athlete.

概念2赛艇运动员是最好的。Concept 2 rower is the best.

汤普森是位著名的运动员。Tompson was a great athlete.

运动员总会这样做。Athletes do this all the time.

她担任胜队的末棒运动员。She anchored the winning team.

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那个运动员是一个真正的棒球强击手。That player is a real slugger.

体操运动员平伸双臂。The young athlete throws well.

他们第一个看到的是位举重运动员。First they saw a weight-lifter.

看!那个运动员正在做投球前的挥臂动作。Look!That player is winding up.

滑雪运动员飞快地向下滑去。The skiers sped down the slope.

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他们哥儿仨都是运动员。All three brothers are athletes.

运动员的足掌触地角较小。Foot touchdown angle is smaller.

乔丹是所有运动员的完美典范。He's the apotheosis of athletes.