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托尼·莫里森本名克洛伊·安东尼·沃福德,1931年出生在俄亥俄州的洛雷恩。The writer was born Chloe Anthony Wofford in 1931 in Lorain, Ohio.

1874年于匈牙利出生、本名为艾瑞克•怀兹的胡迪尼……举家搬迁。Born as erik weisz in hungary in 1874 houdini moved with his family.

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1874年于匈牙利出生、本名为艾瑞克•怀兹的胡迪尼……举家搬迁。Born as er ik weisz in hungary in 1874 houdini moved with his family.

在票据上的签名,应当为该当事人的本名。The signature on an instrument must be the name of the party concerned.

堕胎药本名叫什么?吃了有什么副作用?What is aborticide called originally? Ate what to side effect there is?

诺玛斯缇兹本名安妮霍金斯特纳,出生在佐治亚州亚特兰大。Norma Stitz, real name Annie Hawkins -Turner, was born in Atlanta, Georgia.

第一个被称作伯乐的人本名孙阳,他是春秋时代的人。Bole whose real name is Yang Sun, he is the person Spring and Autumn Period.

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她本名诺玛·珍·贝克,出生在洛杉矶。She was born in Los Angeles and was raised under the name Norma Jeane Baker.

慕容羽军,本名李维克,一九二七年出生于广州。Murong Yujun was born in Guangzhou in 1927 with the original name of Li Weike.

方舟子,本名方是民,1967年9月生于福建云霄县。Fang Zhouzi, born Fang Shimin in September, 1967 in Yunxiao county, Fujian province.

在票据上的签名,应当为该当事人的本名。The signature on a negotiable instrument shall be the true name of the party thereto.

下面是月份的本名的解释。Here’s one explanation for the origins of the names of the current months of the year.

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阿缎姐本名郑彩缎,是桃园杨梅客家人,从小生长在传统客家庄,学得一手客家美食的好手艺。Jheng Cai-Duan, also known as Sister Duan, lived in a Hakka village since she was little.

索菲亚·罗兰是意大利的奥斯卡最佳女主角奖得主,本名索非亚•维拉尼•斯希科隆。Sophia Loren is an Academy Award winning Italian film actress, born Sofia Villani Scicolone.

柏林本名以色列.巴林﹐1888年出生于俄罗斯的小村子德蒙。Irving Berlin was born Israel Baline in eighteen-eighty-eight in the Russian village of Temun.

1874年于匈牙利出生、本名为艾瑞克‧怀兹的胡迪尼,四岁时便举家搬迁至美国居住。Born as Erik Weisz in Hungary in 1874, Houdini moved with his family to America at the age of four.

“我猜阿历克斯的本名不仅仅是阿历克斯,对吧?”克劳迪娅边说,边把阿历克斯的衣服递给丽莎。"I also imagine that Alex's name isn't just Alex right?" said Claudia, handing Lisa Alex's clothes.

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托尼·莫里森本名克洛伊·安东尼·沃福德,1931年出生在俄亥俄州的洛雷恩。她在大学期间开始使用托尼这个别名。The writer was born Chloe Anthony Wofford in 1931 in Lorain, Ohio. She took the nickname Toni in college.

连岳,本名钟晓勇,是一个现居厦门的作家和社会批评家。Lian Yue is the pen name of Zhong Xiaoyong, a writer and social critic based in the east China city of Xiamen.

第二天,行动之前,季萱告诉何楚天,自己本名夏淑媛,让他记住自己的名字。Before the second day, action, JiXuan tell any chutian Xia Shuyuan their original name, let him to remember his own name.