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这间墓室非常阴暗。It is cool and dark in this tomb.

在金斯伯尔我有一个家族墓室!I've got a family vault at Kingsbere! '

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墓室里壁画上那些奇怪的人物又都是些什么人?And – what's the weird stuff on the walls?

要知道,他可是第一个进到墓室中的人!He was, after all, the first to enter the tomb.

战国早期曾国君主的墓室。Zeng early Warring States tomb of the monarchy.

将这里作为木乃伊的墓室是在合适不过了。a mummy's burial chamber is even recreated inside.

我们把死去的人埋在邸宫下面的墓室里。We had buried our dead in the rooms under the palace.

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这时一位为真理而死的人被安放在隔壁墓室里。When one who died for Truth , was lain in an adjoining room.

泰姬陵的中心墓室错综复杂,占地42英亩。The Taj Mahal itself forms the centerpiece of a 42-acre complex.

物探同时还发现,地宫中有石质墓室的存在。Digging also found in his palace in the presence of a red chamber.

另外塔内已知还有王后殡室和地下墓室。Her burial rooms, and there are other houses known underground tomb.

沙哲汗和他爱妃的遗体就安放在这个房间下面的墓室里。The bodies of Shah Jehan and his wife lie in a tomb below this room.

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他环顾墓室四周,看到了提伯特的尸体覆盖着尸衣躺在那儿。He looked around the vault and saw Tybalt's body lying in its shroud.

墓室里很静,静得连彼此的呼吸都能听得到。Tomb in the very quiet, so quiet even could hear each other's breath.

韦格纳留意到,她的同事在勘察墓室时并没有过多担心感染细菌。Wegner hasn't noticed much concern among her colleagues at tomb sites.

确定没有危险之后,闷油瓶才同意让他家小天真进入墓室。Affirming that no risk was around, Kylin allowed his Naivete to go to the vault.

原来在机场核心计划作出。32,这个版本是墓室中的9毫米利森蒂轮。Originally made in . 32acp, this version is chambered in the 9mm Glisenti round.

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这里曾是古埃及的权力中心,同时也是古埃及国王图坦卡蒙的墓室。It was once the center of Egyptian power, and it's home to Tutankamun's burial chamber.

阿瑟·梅斯,另一位考古学家,在进入墓室后不久就意外早逝了。Arthur Mace, a fellow archaeologist, met an early death shortly after entering the tomb.

前面的空间介于墓室和墓道之间,是个狭长的三角形。The space of front lies among the last home room and the last home way, is a long triangle.