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女孩最害怕人贩子!The frightened girl traffickers!

深圳打击人贩子,逮捕17名嫌犯。Crackdown on kidnap scams nets 17 suspects.

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你打算什么时候去找找那些人贩子的麻烦?When are you going to start harassing the traffickers?

她们的家庭穷到了那种地步,甚至决定把她们卖给人贩子。Their family was so poor, they decided to sell them to a trafficker.

那人贩子一大清早就醒来了,他随即出来查点他的活人商品。The trader waked up bright and early, and came out to see to his live stock.

苏先生说,“他说这样一来,我就不用找人贩子了。”“He said that way I don’t need to deal with child traffickers anymore, ” Mr. Su said.

人贩子利用互联网来寻找及诱拐新的受害者使之沦为现代奴隶。Human traffickers use the internet to find and lure new victims into modern-day slavery.

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16岁时,被人贩子卖给了一个穷山村里的一个相貌丑陋家境贫寒的四十多岁的男人,这个男人就是她生命中的丈夫。At the age of 16, she was sold to a poor more than and 40 year old man in a poor mountain village.

有一次,一个小孩儿迷失了回家的路,又遇上了拐骗小孩儿的人贩子。On one occasion, as a child lost his way home, they encountered a child abduction child traffickers.

湖北警方计划从人贩子手中营救十名婴儿。An operation to rescue 10 babies from the clutches of kidnappers is being planned by police in Hubei province.

人贩子通常使用假身份证件并贿赂边境官员把受害者带进欧盟国家。Traffickers commonly use fake identifications and bribe border personnel to bring victims into the EU country.

侥幸逃过人贩子,长途跋涉到达也门北部的人通常非常饥饿,疲劳或生病。Those who survive the traffickers or make the long journey to northern Yemen are usually hungry, exhausted or sick.

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由于缺少有效的国际法规,使得那些人贩子得以从收养孩子的需求中牟利。The absence of effective international regulation also allows middle-men to profit from the demand for children to adopt.

在2005年,有88个偷渡客,其中大部分是十几岁的青少年,被人贩子抛弃在哥斯达黎加海岸外。In 2005, a group of 88 migrants, consisting mostly of teenagers, were abandoned by people-smugglers off the coast of Costa Rica.

会议中还讨论了打击人贩子所遇的困难和完善现有法律的可能性。The conference also discussed difficulties in dealing with human traffickers and the possibility of supplementing existing laws.

我是来自中国的,可惜我不幸被人贩子拐卖到你们国家来,我很无助,我想回中国请你帮帮我吧!I am from China, but I unfortunately traffickers trafficking to your country, I am helpless, I want to go back to China please help me!

如果于心不忍去买了花的话,也会让背后的人贩子觉得这是件有利可图的事。Some may buy the flowers to keep the children from crucial treatment, which will let the human traders find the approach to make money.

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人口贩子的受害者主要来自贫穷肆虐的发展中国家,人贩子作案通常使用暴力或欺骗手段。Traffickers acquire their victims primarily from developing countries where poverty is rampant, commonly through some means of force or deception.

一些人把阿森纳比作“人贩子”,从对手的青训营中抢得优秀的年轻队员,并从他们身上获利。Arsenal have been portrayed in some circles as cradle-snatchers, pinching young players from rival academies and profiting from the work of others.

一些人把阿森纳比作“人贩子”,从对手的青训营中抢得优秀的年轻队员,并从他们身上获利。A pretty crowded squad, and one which gave young Cesc no chance of establishing himself in the first team, which he did after just a year at Highbury.