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他是一条硬汉。He is a sluggard.

硬汉团杀身成仁我牢记。Hard Corps is the only way I know.

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海明威塑造出许多“硬汉子”的形象。Hemingway portrays many "the dauntless man" image.

总统的思维方式真的就像硬汉们的口号吗?Does the president actually think in these tough-guy slogans?

甚至连我们电影中的英雄形象也不再是动作硬汉和肌肉男了。Even our entertainment heroes have lost their masculine muscle.

这是一片能化解压抑和硬汉外表的土地。It was a place that melted inhibitions and tough-guy exteriors.

通过桑提亚哥硬汉性格来礼赞人类的永恒价值,才成为小说的真正主题。The actual theme of the novel is the eternal spirit of Santiago.

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他们是一群骑著重机、身上布满刺青的硬汉。Instead, they are tough guys covered in tattoos that ride motorcycles.

约翰从海军服役回来时,成了一个真正健壮勇敢的硬汉。John was a real he-man when he returned from service with the Marines.

并且他们想要26岁的斯洛伐克硬汉斯科特尔以增加防线硬度。And they want Slovakia hardman Skrtel, 26, to toughen up their defence.

硬汉从高栏绳上跳下,一个落地踢将自旋兄弟中的一个踢翻。The ROCK jumped from the top rope and drop-kicked one of the SPIN BOYS.

还有的穿无袖短背心,佩带无仞短剑,这样能让人在天寒地冻的天气里看起来硬汉一点。Others wear tank tops and stilettos to look tough in the chilly climate.

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这种受伤但无畏的硬汉原型让人感觉疲劳而且没有独创性。The damaged-but-fearless-tough-guy archetype feels tired and unoriginal.

同时,他给人们展示了在“压力下保持优雅风度”的“硬汉形象”。At the same time, he created a "code hero" who shows "grace under pressure".

这个热爱高尔夫的男人、警察、硬汉,现在“只能想,却动弹不得。”The cop, the tough guy, the man who loved golf, "could think, but couldn't move."

永远的硬汉西尔维斯特·史泰龙曾受雇为狮笼打扫员。Sylvester Stallone, always the tough guy, was once employed as a lion cage cleaner.

竞争对手定位在硬汉挑战赛一绳网于2010年1月31日。Competitors navigate a rope course during the Tough Guy Challenge on January 31, 2010.

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博尔顿的攻城铁锤代为斯在忧虑他正在丢失他的硬汉形象。Bolton Wanderers battering ram Kevin Davies is worried he is losing his hard-man image.

被描述为“铁血硬汉”的巴尼是个“在危机边缘领袖群伦的战略家”。Described as “void of emotion” Barney is the “strategist leading his men to the fringe.

阿中旬泥种族画像覆盖硬汉参与者,1月31日采取的照片,2010年。A mid-race portrait of mud-covered Tough Guy participants, photo taken January 31, 2010.