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神经衰弱者身临高处有危险。Great height is hazardous to the weak head.

也许我的神经衰弱就是因此而来的吧。Maybe it is the reason of I have neurasthenia.

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她已开始接受神经衰弱的治疗。She was already being treated for neurasthenia.

自然能撰脱神经衰弱的困扰。Can write naturally escapes the neurasthenia the puzzle.

蜂皇精治神经衰弱很有效。Royal jelly is effective in treating nervous exhaustion.

长期的焦虑导致她的神经衰弱。A long period of worrying led to her nervous prostration.

这是治疗神经衰弱的措施之一。This is one of the measures the treatment of neurasthenia.

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在沉默时或临睡前常便当产生耳鸣,看看神经衰弱药。Or often before you go to sleep in quiet often prone to tinnitus.

小资都有轻微的神经衰弱症。The small property all has slight of nervous prostration disease.

卧室不可悬挂太多风铃,以免神经衰弱。Campanula bedroom can not fly too much, so as not to neurasthenia.

它把所有潜在的神经衰弱和心生不宁全都浮现出来了。It brings all the latent neuroses and insecurities to the surface.

刘兰患有神经衰弱,家里常备着安眠药。Liu Lan suffered from neurasthenia and she had sleeping pills at home.

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见于神经衰弱,也见于轻度意识障碍时。See at neurasthenic, also see at spending recognizant obstacle gently when.

营养障碍时也会出现神经衰弱的一些症状。Nutrition disorders can also occur when some of the symptoms of neurasthenia.

长期在噪音环境下工作的人,还会引起神经衰弱症候群。Long-term work in noisy environment, people, can also cause neurasthenia syndrome.

神经衰弱患者应按照作息时间安排生活和学习。Neurasthenia patients should be arranged according to the calendar life and study.

现在发现人参果还能改善神经衰弱、失眠、头昏等症状。Now that ginseng fruit can improve neurasthenia, insomnia, dizziness and other symptoms.

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并能激励人心,改善神经衰弱精神疲惫、晕眩、活络思绪。Can encourage, improve the mental fatigue neurasthenia, dizziness and make thoughts active.

共和国是神经衰弱的天堂,政治家是俯首帖耳于法律的暴君。In a republic that paradise of debility the politician is a petty tyrant who obeys the laws.

它们患心脏病,癌症,神经衰弱,糖尿病的可能性更低。They were less likely to suffer from heart disease, cancer, neurodegeneration, and diabetes.