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日本天皇的权利是象征性的。The power of Mikado in Japan is symbolic.

胡锦涛致电日本天皇表示慰问。Hu extends condolences to Japanese emperor.

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日本天皇想要退位,他是否有权这样做?Japan'semperor wants to retire. Is he allowed to?

7日上午,胡锦涛会见了日本天皇。Earlier Wednesday, Hu met Japanese Emperor Akihito.

终于,日本天皇宣布投降。At last, the emperor of Japan announced capitulation.

1926年12月25日,裕仁成为日本天皇。On December 25, 1926, Hirohito became Emperor of Japan.

天皇对此虽有顾虑,但并没有表示反对。Although the Mikado have scruple, but did not oppose it.

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日本天皇裕仁对战争的优柔寡断是悲剧性的。Japan’s emperor Hirohito tragically vacillated over the war.

五天后,也就是1945年8月14日,日本天皇宣布无条件投降。The Japanese surrendered on August 14, 1945, five days later.

你追本溯源,越是接近天皇,事情就越是变得模糊。The closer you get to the emperor, the fuzzier everything gets.

8月10日,他们成功了,日本天皇投降了。On August 10, they prevailed, and the Emperor of Japan surrendered.

天皇就老龄人行踪不明的问题表示“非常遗憾”。Emperor's whereabouts were unknown to aging expressed "great regret."

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天皇匹俦于1959年四月10日喜结连理,其时明仁天皇仍是皇太子。The royal couple wed on April 10, 1959, when Akihito was crown prince.

温家宝首先转达了胡锦涛主席对天皇明仁的问候。Wen first conveyed President Hu Jintao’s greetings to Emperor Akihito.

昭和天皇裕仁是日本历史上在位时间最长的天皇。The regime of Mikado Showa Hirohito is the longest in Japanese history.

他对日本天皇深鞠躬除了说明他本人身体健康,难道还说明其他什么吗?Was his deep bow indicative of anything other than his physical fitness?

本周三,日本明仁天皇迎来了他76岁的生日。An image of Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko on his birthday.

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为了清田和他一样数千明仁天皇对此表示钦佩。To Kiyota and thousands like him, Emperor Akihito expressed his admiration.

按照东条在受审时的作证,天皇未发一言。According to Tojo's testimony at his trial, the Emperor did not utter a word.

政府发言人证实,天皇将于明年秋天访华。The government spokesman confirmed that the Mikado would visit China next fall.