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我们随着观潮的人群,登上了海塘大堤。We with the crowd, tidal bore on embankment is adopted.

台州市椒江外沙海塘因历史原因长期存在渗漏现象。Seepage has been existed in the seawall in Waisha of Jiang River in Taizhou City.

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海塘、潮田虽与海洋有关,实为陆地农业服务。Seawall and tide field were marine culture, but they served to the land agriculture.

海塘是抵御风浪潮的重要水利建筑,一旦失事会导致严重后果。Sea wall is a kind of important hydro-structure to defend against typhoon and tidewater.

风暴潮期间海塘工程的安全是防汛工作的重要问题。In the course of storm-surge, the safety of seadike is an important issue of flood defense.

海塘是海洋和内陆的分界线,海塘是“海洋文化”的一个重要组成部分。Seawall is ocean and inland boundary, seawall is a of " of " marine culture main component.

风暴潮期间海塘工程的安全是防台抗潮的重要问题。In the course of storm surge, the safety of sea dike is an important issue of flood defense.

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海战中受伤的北野武藏逃进了海塘,推开了一户人家的大门。In naval battles injured kitano musashi fled into the HaiTang, flung open the door of a family.

为了解上海地区海塘抵御风浪越顶的能力,对海塘堤顶越浪进行了风险分析。Wave overtopping risk was analyzed to get an overtopping probability of coastal levees in Shanghai.

海塘城的巷子里,手持棍棒菜刀的平民百姓也冲上了街头。HaiTang city, holding the sticks chopper lane of the civilian population also rushed into the street.

为了监视和毁坏反日权力,她化名楚河,长期埋伏在海塘城内。To monitor and destroyed anti-japanese power, she aliases bo Lin, long-term ambush at HaiTang the city.

我隐隐约约地看见几个人在海塘边走来走去,他们大概也在等着日出吧!I faintly saw a few people walked up and down in the sea pond, they probably are waiting for the sunrise bar!

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进一步的敏感性分析表明,影响海塘抗渗可靠性的主要因素是抗渗比降的均值、变异系数和外江水位均值。The result of analysis shows that the seepage-resistance reliability of Xiasha seawall is a lower value of 0.

因此,对重要海塘的越浪量进行物理模型试验验证是十分必要的。Therefore, it is necessary to use the physical model to verify the overtopping rate for the important seawall design.

海塘、滩涂行业信息管理系统是防汛抗台的重要非工程措施。Geography information system of seawall and foreshore industry is important non-engineering measure in flood prevention.

以历史悠久及技术高超而著称的钱塘江海塘,是我国古代伟大工程之一。The Qiantang Estuary Seawall, renowned for its history and high technology, is one of the greatest ancient works in China.

通过一系列的措施,保证了明代海盐县海塘工程建设资金的供应。Throughthese series of measures, the fund supply for the construction of HaiYan SeaWall wasguaranteed in the Ming Dynasty.

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通过对现行海塘巡查制度的形式、作用及利弊的分析,探索一种新的海塘巡查机制。It discusses a new system of seawall inspection, by analysing the form. effect. advantages and disadvantages of the current system.

鸡饭仔打通大金牙,准备在月牙湾开一条水路,连夜护送胡畔分开海塘。Chicken rice seed through big teeth, ready to open a crescent bay in waterways, scanning the escort hu pictureque HaiTang separately.

胡畔赶忙打岔,告知刀锋队伍总指挥部行将迁移海塘城,不日大家将重回故里。Hu pictureque quickly interrupted me, and inform the blade team general command will migrate HaiTang city, nearly everyone will homecoming.