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“此刻”他安静地躺在祖坟中。Now he slept quietly with his fathers.

他希望被葬在祖坟墓地。He wished to be interred in the family grave.

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那谁谁,想死后葬在我家祖坟吗?That so-and-so, want to be buried in my ancestral grave ?

村里的祖坟按照族规排列,每一辈人都在同一排。Village graves are organized with bureaucratic precision, each generation in its own row.

他总是希望衣锦还乡、寿终正寝,最后葬入祖坟。His hope is always to come back rich, to die and be buried where his ancestors are buried.

被逼得无路可走,我祖父在祖坟旁的一棵树上吊死了。Driven to desperation, my grandfather hanged himself on a tree beside our ancestral graves.

杨管家送到陈裁缝那里一个字条,上面只有四个字“吴家祖坟”。Chen Yang housekeeper to tailor there a note, the above only four word the wu ancestral graves.

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明天就是清明了,今晚我们回太原,明天去祖坟看看麦根的姥姥、姥爷。Tomorrow is chinese memorial day. We are flying back to Taiyuan to memorize Megan's grandpa and grandma.

可是她的婆家认为祖先还是重要些,因此坚持圣诞节必须上祖坟。But that family knew only the primacy of its own ancestors, and insisted on their grave visitation on Christmas.

他雇了一辆卡车,要把女儿运回乡下,安葬在祖坟,杰克不敢拦他。He hires a truck to carry his daughter's corpse back to their hometown. He wants to bury her in the household grave.

良泳为了学戏,背着家里人把乡下的一大块有祖坟的地卖掉了。In order to learn swimming good play, carrying a big chunk of the family in the country have ancestral grave land sold.

而清明植树,其实也是传统的沿袭,只是古人只在祖坟植树,而今则扩大了范围。It used to be a custom to plant a few new trees around the family graves, but nowadays people tend to plant tress in a larger area.

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当天,墨西哥的梅德彼克公墓里,一位女性点燃祖坟上的蜡烛。A woman lights a candle over the grave of a relative during Day of the Dead celebrations at Metepec cemetery in Mexico, November 2, 2005.

一路上看到田野里火光点点,处处有人在自家祖坟前磕头。As we rode on, I saw more fires flaring from the fields and everywhere men knocking their heads on the ground before their ancestral tombs.

深明大义的百姓用祖坟墓碑铺平公路,让装甲车上战场。Deep the common people of bright cardinal principles of righteousness levels with ancestral grave gravestone highway, let the ground on panzer.

王金标因为去挖掘彭霸天埋在祖坟的窖藏金银而被彭霸天抓住,随之叛变。Because Wang Jinbiao goes digging Peng bully day to be buried in the hoard bullion of ancestral grave and by Peng bully day is captured, subsequently mutiny.

去年麦根姥姥突然离世后,我们就将麦根姥姥和03年去世的麦根姥爷一起运回老家,合葬在祖坟了。Last May, Megan's grandma passed away suddenly. After then, we put Megan's grandma and grandpa who passed away on 2003 together and buried them in our family grave.

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金郎中为洗血耻,带大儿子金治国和土匪田川挖掘何家祖坟,意外得到珍贵的秘方。Golden doctor is the shame that wash blood, take manage state affairs of eldest son gold and bandit Tian Chuan to dig Home He ancestral grave, get precious secret recipe accidentally.

壮族二次葬是使寿终正寝者的魂魄聚入列祖列宗的仪式,是壮族通过对先人魂魄聚居于祖坟地的想象来达到整合现实中的家族主义的文化设计。The Zhuang people's twice burial, a rite enabling the soul of the dead to get together with those of the ancestors, is some kind of cultural design intended to achieve familialism in reality.

苔丝不像红衣主教那样能够阅读教会拉丁文,但是她知道这儿是她祖坟的墓门,墓里面埋的是她的父亲举杯歌咏的那些身材高大的骑士。Tess did not read Church-Latin like a Cardinal, but she knew that this was the door of her ancestral sepulchre, and that the tall knights of whom her father had chanted in his cups lay inside.