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她是一个典型的瓜子脸,小鼻子,嘴巴有点宽。She is a typical frame, a small nose and mouth wide.

拥有一张纤细清秀的瓜子脸是众多女士的梦想。Many women dream of a sleek and refined face contour.

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她的瓜子脸让她拍照时很上相。Her oval face makes her photogenic during photo-taking.

这位新闻主播有张瓜子脸,在镜头前很上相。The news anchor has an oval face, and is very cameragenic.

她有一张瓜子脸,波浪形的头发,一对大眼睛。She has got an oval face, with wavy hair and a pair of big eyes.

瘦脸方法有很多,怎样才能简单塑造瓜子脸呢?There are many ways a face-lift, how can a simple shape melon face it?

他想起了米尔德里德的那张小巧的瓜子脸,一笑总是满面春风。He thought of Mildred 's small heart-shaped face, and how it lit up when she laughed.

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故事中的女子都是温婉约人、瓜子脸,男主人公都是玉树灵风,英俊潇洒。The story of the women are warm graceful people, oval face, the hero is Yushu Spirit, handsome.

分明有一张窄窄的瓜子脸,带着一副冷漠的目光,从洞口外闪了一下,接着又不见了。Certainly a little narrow face, with hard eyes, had flashed up for an instant from a hole, and was gone.

其结果就是一张更有型的尖下巴“瓜子脸”,与人们印象中的西式“小精灵”面容相似。The result is a more sculpted face and a more triangular chin that resembles the supposed "pixie" look of Western faces.

由于节食减肥形成暴食症,曾经一个月了,往常瓜子脸变成了大饼脸,还能变回来吗。Since the formation of bulimia dieting to lose weight, once a month, always oval face into a pie face, you can change back.

我们班有一位卫生委员,他长着一张瓜子脸,一双水汪汪的大眼睛,瘦瘦的,个子不高,你们猜猜他是谁?We the class has a health committee, he got an oval face, a pair of watery big eyes, thin, is not tall, you guess who he is?

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这个时期女性的描绘渐趋正式,不论社会地位,苗条身材,瓜子脸,樱桃嘴等等。During this period, the depiction of women in art became formulaic, showing women regardless of social status with slim figures, oval faces and cherry lips.

或许是现在尖下巴的瓜子脸正流行,漫画里的美女,动画里的贝贝,电影电视剧真人版的,好像都是瓜子脸。Perhaps the seeds now face a sharp chin is popular , the beautiful women in comics, animation's Beibei, the film version of reality TV, it seems that seeds face.

寻人启事,姓名贾君鹏,男,年龄16岁,瓜子脸,肤白,大眼睛,气质高雅,身穿浅红色连衣裙,白色皮凉鞋。Notice of missing person, name Jia Junpeng, M, age 16 years old, melon face, fair complexion, big eyes, temperament elegant, wearing a light red dress, white leather sandals.

“这种年轻的剪发对于瓜子脸的人来说最好,比如席亚拉”纽约市的名人发型师亚历杭德拉说。Ciara chopped her long locks for a shorter, edgier do. "This young, hip cut looks best on people with heart-shaped faces, like Ciara, " says N. Y. C. -based celebrity hairstylist Alejandra.

瀑布一般的长发,淡雅的连衣裙,标准的瓜子脸,聪明的杏仁眼,那稳重端庄的气质,再调皮的人见了你都会小心翼翼。The long hair falls in general, elegant dress, the seeds of the standard face, almond eyes smart, dignified and stable temperament, and then met with mischievous people you will be cautious.