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行市对买方有利。The market favors the buyers.

卖方响应,向买方报价。The seller responds with the quote.

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船上装卸费用,须由买方负责并记帐。Stevedore buyer ' responsibility and account.

买方向卖方出具意向书和保密协议。Buyer issues LOI along with NCND to the Seller.

卖方须与买方签订契约。The vendor signs a contract with the purchaser.

斯费拉买方已改变塑料袋作为附加的文件。Sfera buyer has changed polybag as attached file.

卖方应将联系结果通过电报或电传及时报告买方。The Seller shall advise by cable or telex in time

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复检费应该由买方负担。The rcinspection fee shall be bome by the buyers.

在如今的买方市场上,任何一项交易都是场公平竞争的游戏。In this buyer's market, any item is now fair game.

本合同自买方和建造方签署之日生效。Thereof contract is valid since both party signed.

请你告诉我,货物抵达或买方是否有权复查?Yes, of course. You have the right of reinspection.

以买方或其代理人在工厂的检验为准。Buyers' or its agent i ection at factory to be final.

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买方与卖方为迟交货物发生争论。The buyer disputes with the seller on delay of shipment.

这些努力使得美国买方对中国兴致不减.Those efforts will keep U.S. buyers interested in China.

买方可以将本协议分配给买方的任何分支机构。Buyer may assign this Agreement to any of its Affiliates.

买方应记录供应品的运行日志。Buyer shall keep a logbook of operation for the Supplies.

出货前买方支付尾款后卖方使得付货。The seller will delivery after the buyer pays the balance.

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买方没有兴趣还盘。价格太高。Your price is too high to interest buyer in counter-offer.

因质量不够标准,买方保留索赔权。Buyer reserve right of claim charge quality below standard.

除非买方申请,否则将不投保特殊附加险。Special risks are not covered unless the buyer applies for.