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他们正在等着着越境进入中国。They are waiting to cross the nearby Chinese border.

他们还保证通过协调各国的质量标准来改善越境贸易。They also pledged to improve cross-border trading by harmonizing quality standards.

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越境污染的国际治理亟需新的思维。The international treatment of trans-frontier pollution calls for original thoughts.

夏利特已经在加沙地带被关押了两年,他在一次越境袭击中被绑架。Shalit has been held for two years in Gaza, since he was kidnapped in a cross-border raid.

这些组织经常派遣激进分子越境袭击美国、阿富汗以及联军部队。The groups regularly send militants across the border to attack U.S., Afghan and allied forces.

这些恐怖组织经常派出恐怖分子越境袭击美国,阿富汗和其盟友的军事力量。The groups regularly send militaries across the border to attack USA, Afgham and allies forces.

这次政治危机已经导致一万八千名科特迪瓦难民越境进入利比里亚。The political crisis has sent more than 18,000 Ivorian refugees across the border into Liberia.

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现在,这些非墨西哥越境者会被监禁,直到他们被遣送回国。而那些墨西哥越境者则会立即遣送回墨西哥。Now they are detained until they can be deported, while Mexicans are sent straight back to Mexico.

每到天黑之后墨西哥人就会越境而来,而边境巡警则用直升机、探照灯和马匹追捕这些人。After dark they come over. The border patrol chases them with helicopters, search lights and horses.

当他们无法在这里找到事情做时,许多人通过行贿的途径非法越境,进入巴基斯坦和伊朗。When they can not find it here, many pay bribes to cross the border illegally into Pakistan and Iran.

越境环境污染具有损害非一致性和混合非一致性特征。Transboundary Pollution problem possesses with non-uniformity of damages and non-uniformity of mixing.

波哥大已就越境袭击事件道歉,但说这是打击反政府武装哥伦比亚革命武装力量斗争的必要组成部分。Bogota apologized for the raid, but said it is a necessary part of its struggle against the FARC rebels.

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从宏观上说,污染问题都是越境的。这也需要国际法的调整才能解决越境污染问题。On macro scale, the pollution is trans-frontier, which needs the international law to adjust to resolve.

最后需要在越境污染问题上国家主权权力的自愿让渡。Finally, it should realize the willing assignment of national sovereignty on the trans-frontier pollution issue.

最开始时主张通过追究国家责任来促使国家解决越境的污染。The national liability is adopted to animate the state to resolve the trans-frontier pollution in the beginning.

印度官员表示,他们将向巴方提出巴方人员渗透以及越境恐怖行动等问题。Indian officials say they will raise the issue of alleged infiltration and "cross border terrorism" with Pakistan.

基地"组织头目在2001年和2002年越境逃窜到巴基斯坦后,在那里建立了一个藏身之地。After escaping across the border into Pakistan in 2001 and 2002, al Qaeda's leadership established a safe haven there.

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阿富汗官员声称,塔里班武装利用巴基斯坦领土做为越境袭击的基地。Afghan officials contend that Taleban guerrillas use Pakistani territory as a staging area for their cross-border attacks.

然而,在一次越境时,阿德汗的女儿对他说,她想要把自己的玩具捐给阿勒颇的孩子们。However, on one occasion of crossing the border, his daughter told him she wanted to donateher toys to the kids of Aleppo.

有人认为朝鲜越境在中国境内逮捕了这两名美国记者,中方是否就此作过调查?Some believe the DPRK crossed its border with China to arrest the two journalists. Did you make any investigation into that?