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原先打算让她当工程师。She was meant for an engineer.

我原先就不应该那么信任他。I should never have trusted him.

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我做我原先的那份工作要带劲得多。I was much happier in my old job.

根据Matt的测试,其速度可以高达原先的26倍。Up to 26-times, according to Matt.

原先我觉得英语难学。I found English difficult at first.

可原先笑容更爽朗的她But she who, with a smile more bright

替换原先枯燥乏味的新闻邮件。To Replace the Boring Old Newsletter.

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原先笑靥如花,后来满是伤疤。The original smile, then full of scars.

于是,原先理想的职业失去了原有的色彩。So, the ideal vocation lose its lusters.

而且他用塑料替代了原先的马口铁。And instead of tin, he went with plastic.

我原先不知道这是双片连映。I didn't realize it was a double feature.

梅布尔!你瞧,我原先跟你说什么来着?There you are, Mabel! What did I tell you?

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原先的建筑物几乎片瓦不留。Little of the original architecture remains.

但你看他的左肩能够保持好原先的高度。See how his left shoulder stays a little higher?

我感到原先的那个奥特马回来了。I've got the feeling that the old Ottmar is back.

她原先那种生气勃勃的青春自豪感已经萎谢。Her original vigorous pride of youth had sickened.

如果有什么不同的话,我的新工作比原先的工作更累了。If anything, my new job is harder than my older one.

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那种安排同我原先所想的不同。That arrangement differs from the one I had in mind.

原先标价50元的随身听现在售价已涨到180元。A Walkman priced at RMB50 before sells for RMB180 now.

他衬衫上原先被背包压住的地方还是汗湿的。His shirt was still wet from where the pack had rested.