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在我看来你非常美艳动人!You look gorgeous to me.

她是个妩媚动人的女孩。She is an attractive girl.

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他的音乐非常动人。His music is very touching.

这是一个非常动人的故事。It’s a most touching story.

亮绿色泽明艳动人。Brilliant light green color.

蒲公英是那样妩媚动人。How lovely the dandelions are.

多么动人的慈母的幻想!Touching illusion of a mother!

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我们更惊叹她那动人的发音。We marvel at her pronunciation.

她穿了新装更是艳丽动人。She sparkled in her new clothes.

哇,你不认为她很妩媚动人吗?Wow, don't you think she's foxy ?

动人的热情使她容颜生光。Charming warmth brightened her face.

她那双动人的眼睛瞟向他。She turned her eloquent eyes upon him.

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她的话非常哀婉动人。There is abundant pathos in her words.

我不能吐出另一声动人的磋叹。I cannot breathe one other sigh, to move.

此时,月华如水,温婉动人。At this time, clean-washed, gentle moving.

捕捉,并重复这动人的乐音Cath, and repeat the Trembling Sounds anew

丹芙妮是位妩媚动人的仙女。Daphne was a lovely blooming fairy maiden.

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赫卡忒,最美丽动人,遥远的那位。Hecate , most lovely One, the distant One.

让你的身材变得窈窕动人。Let your body becomes Transamerica moving.

那最最动人的手足、唇齿、眼眉。Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow.