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华尔特将因他的失职而受到处罚。Walter will be paid off for his negligence.

钟离的失职令高义山大怒。The clock from Gao Yishan rage of dereliction of duty.

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那场火灾完全是由于他们失职而引起的。The fire was entirely caused by their neglect of duty.

这是自然灾害,还是我们官员的失职?Is it a natural disaster, or negligence by our officials?

在结束之前,如果不提一下性能就是我的失职了。Before closing, I would be remiss not to mention performance.

贪污纳贿、失职是受到惩治的主要原因。The punishable causations were corruption and breach of duty.

这是思想界的任务,却没有政治家的失职。It is the job of the intellectuals not that of the politicians.

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他因严重失职被降为普通士兵。He was reduced to ordinary soldier due to a serious dereliction of duty.

该项法律还规定,禁止行贿受贿和失职渎职行为。It also contained provisions forbidding bribery and official misconduct.

政府部门的失职,直接导致了五湖大酒店的毁灭。Governmental neglect of duty led directly to the destruction of the hotel.

农业部的报告指责Baudy的安全失职导致了Lowe的死。The USDA report blamed Baudy for safety failures that led to Lowe’s death.

任何一点失职的迹象,都将成为小泽一郎再次攻击菅直人的靶子。Any sign of weakness, and Mr Ozawa may once again take pot shots at Mr Kan.

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乙方严重失职,营私舞弊,给甲方利益造成重大损失。Party B causes great loss to Party A due to its breach of duty and jobbery.

她会让她的儿子头脑里充斥对他那个失职父亲的怨恨。She could have filled her son's head with well-founded resentment for his absent father.

当艾修因此事遭到指责时,他承认了自己的失职,尽管有人认为他没有必要为这事负责。When Ashe was accused, he accepted the blame, even though he had not committed the crime.

尽管政府确实有许多失职之处,但现在其成功也能让自己功过相抵了。The numerous examples of government failure can now be weighed against examples of success.

如何以劳动者严重失职或营私舞弊为由解除劳动合同?How to Dissolve Labor Contracts on Grounds of Serious Dereliction of Duty or Practice of Graft?

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在监押途中犯人逃跑了,这是押解人员的失职。The criminal ran away during escort, because the men in charge of escorting breached their duty.

如果给财政部长开出“空白支票”,国会就是在失职。Congress would be abdicating its responsibility if it gave the Treasury secretary a blank cheque.

如果不能尽快把你安全的送到埠口,那又是我们的失职了。Of course, it would be remiss of us to not see you along the safest and quickest route to the port.