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接下来贝茨与马克•安德里森的会面才是重头戏。The clincher was Bates's meeting with Andreessen.

用枪,是警官学校特殊的重头戏之一。Using a gun is one of the students' specialities.

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我们今晚的重头戏是女子泥浆摔跤。Our main attraction tonight is lady mud wrestling.

爬山时这次秋游活动中的重头戏!While climbing this autumn activities of the grand opera!

三亚的重头戏当然就是沙滩!看片!The highlight in Sanya is of course the beach! Have a look!

年夜饭是春节家人团聚的重头戏,精心设计的瑶池年夜饭将喜庆带上餐桌!Chinese New Year's Eve is a time of family reunion and feasting.

哦,重头戏一般,但是第一个出场的家伙挺逗。Oh, not the main act, but the guy who comes on first is a crack-up.

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有些人把每年的钓鱼之旅视为是行事历上的重头戏。For some guys, the annual fishing trip is the highlight of their calendar.

这是比赛完了,我们明天还有一场重头戏,我们期待这场比赛。This game is done with. We have another big game tomorrow and we're looking forward to that one.

游戏的重头戏是外星生物用白雪覆盖了整座小岛,这个改变是在太惊人了。It's a startling change that the game emphasizes by having the aliens cover the island with snow.

最后,塔科尼预测了今晚进行的意甲重头戏尤文图斯对阵热那亚的比赛。Finally, Tacconi gave his prediction for tonight's all-important match between Juventus and Genoa.

作为市民关注的焦点,保障房项目则是政府展示区的重头戏。As the focal point, citizens attention security room project was the government exhibit of the day.

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下午尤文球员们在即将上演欧冠重头戏的伯纳乌进行踩场。Afternoon finishing for Juventus players at the stadium that will host the big match vs. Real Madrid.

博尔特在前三轮的比赛中很低调,明显是在为这场重头戏保存体力。Bolt kept a low profile through the first three rounds, evidently saving his best for the main event.

但穆雷强势赢得了这次在罗德·拉沃尔球场的比赛中的重头戏。But Murray was winning strongly in one of the best contests at the Rod Laver Arena in this tournament.

对乌尔济切尼来说,跟利物浦比赛就是重头戏,他们将会制造大麻烦,这将会非常危险的。To play Liverpool is a big game for Unirea and they'll be looking for a big upset and will be very dangerous.

左边墙面是整个空间的重头戏,造型是水滴在水面上起的涟漪联想的,水表皮是一种无法言语的美。The left wall is the main part of the store, inspired by water wave, with a sense of beauty beyond expression.

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然后便是本次宣讲会的重头戏,由董应赛为我们介绍了JASS语言的编写。Then was the climax of this campus talk, which by Dong Yingsai to introduce the JASS language compilation for us.

下周中国与欧盟将举行高层峰会,贸易问题在议事日程中是重头戏,届时此项调查很可能会引起与会各方的注意。Their grievances are likely to be heard at next week's EU-China summit in Beijing, where trade will top the agenda.

如复仇、欺骗、妒忌、苦难、罪行和宽恕的戏剧主题在埃斯库罗斯的作品中都是重头戏。Dramatic themes such as revenge, deceit, jealousy, suffering, guilt, and forgiveness are central to Aeschylus' work.