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它是吸引的。It always attracts.

吸引人的课题。Fascinating subjects.

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但它还是很吸引眼球。Yet it's eye-popping.

那么,不同的人相互吸引吗“So "opposites attract?"

中国最吸引人的湖景。The Loch Ness of China.

被过去吸引心动。By glamorizing the past.

1960年是一个闰年,我还只是一个有点儿笨拙和莽撞的少女,还在为彼得潘的故事所吸引。It was a leap year. 1960.

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通过吸引观众。By attracting an audience.

动漫电玩节共吸引了170家参展商。There were 170 exhibitors.

为什么它能吸引你?Why does it captivate you?

吸引了人们的目光。And drew attention to them.

是什麽吸引你做这方面的研究?This field is display-only.

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你想要吸引哪一人群?Who do you want to attract?

共同创造把人们都吸引了进去。Co-creation pulls people in.

头部也会吸引人。Headers also attract people.

她是个吸引男人的人。She is an attractive person.

这个价格吸引了许多买家。The price lured many buyers.

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夏威夷吸引了许多旅游者。Hawaii allures many tourists.

因此我被他吸引了。Therefore that fascinates me.

你的标题十分吸引人。Your headline is very catchy.