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雾霭迷濛、硕果芳醇的秋!SEASON of mists and mellow fruitfulness!

只要付出,就能收获累累硕果。As long as pay, we can harvest rich fruits.

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金秋硕果丰满园,感谢大家心里甜。Golden plump fruit garden, thank you sweet heart.

时间使他的生命成熟,结出硕果。Time had ripened his life and mellowed its fruits.

存在于世的一切美好事物皆是独创性的硕果。All good things which exist are the fruits of originality.

众多徽州文人所获的功名,则是捐资兴教的又一硕果。The achievement of Huizhou scholar was another rich fruits.

今天,教授投入事业的热情和努力仍在结出累累硕果。The professor's enthusiasm and energy continue to bear fruit today.

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当时正值蜜桃成熟的季节,满园的桃树结满了白里透红的硕果。When ripe peach roses season, the peach tree full of red fruits in white.

让我们以累累硕果来报答敬爱的老师和亲爱的父母吧!Let's repay our respectable teachers and our loving parents with rich fruits!

这些都是开纳杰人团结一致,努力开创市场的硕果。It owe to the solidarism of the staff and their effort to initiate the market.

这是一个睿智而又富有人格魅力的领导者,带领着他的团队在过去一年里获得累累硕果。A leader full of wisdom and charisma, he has led his team onto a glorious path.

同鲍勃一样,你可以从一个被精心照顾的、充满爱的婚姻花园中收获许多“硕果”。And like Bob, you'll reap the benefits of a well-tended garden of marital love.

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网络结出的硕果远殊于印刷书籍或餐桌闲谈。The result is far different from a printed book, or even a chat around a table.

累累硕果,不仅令人欣慰,而且鼓舞人们再接再厉再创辉煌。The rich fruits not only gratify but also inspire all to create new brilliance.

获悉你努力学习已结硕果,真是一件大喜事。It is a great thing to know that all your hard work has had a successful result.

春天,果树花开,争奇斗妍,秋天又结满累累的硕果。The fruit trees blossomed in the spring-time and were heavy with fruit in autumn.

钱财犹如粪土,堆起来就发臭,撒出去可让土地结硕果。Riches are like muck, which stink in a heap, but spread abroad make the earth fruitful.

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功能学派和形式学派都从不同的角度对其进行探讨和研究,取得累累硕果。As a result, there have emerged a lot of literatures on focus as well as various viewpoints.

作者在社会如何被隐性支付和刑罚塑造成型上取得的研究硕果。读者对本书也是兴趣盎然。The result is a fascinating study of how society is shaped by hidden pay-offs and punishments.

因而在晚年,他能享受成功的硕果,别人却以为他不过幸运罢了。As a result, they enjoy in later life the success so often erroneously atrributed to good luck.