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忘记了叫什么花,月季红?Forgot what name it is ! ?

园子里栽上了月季。The garden was planted with Chinese roses.

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在阴霾天空下,陵园里分外妖娆娇艳的月季。The delicate and charming China rose in the tomb garden.

然后按照普通的种植深度把你的月季栽植在盒子中心。Plant your rose in the centre of the box at normal planting depth.

月季就是月季,即使开得再艳丽,也不可能是玫瑰。Rose is rose, even though a more beautiful, also may not is a rose.

香水月季花瓣簇拥着百年老校的大门,是实验小学精神的象征。Tea rose petals surrounding the old doors, is a symbol of our school spirit.

月季原产于中国,在国际贸易中占重要地位。Rose, originating from China, plays an important role in international trade.

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作为月季的主要病害之一,月季黑斑病已经是世界性的病害。Black spot of rose, as one of the major diseases of Rose, is a worldwide disease.

多花月季和壮花月季应该修剪成顶部开口式的,以便于接受阳光照射。Floribundas and grandifloras should be opened up so as to allow more light in to the plant.

为选育月季抗病品种提供理论依据。The study aimed to provide theoretical basis for breeding Chinese roses varieties with disease resistance.

也在于这个时期的技术被引进与外地的月季杂交育种和杂交。Also about this time techniques were being introduced in the field of rose cross-breeding and hybridization.

如果你的裸根月季苗在一段时间的冰冷天气中到达,在这个天气里是很难种植的。If your bare root rose order arrives in a period of heavy frost it is going to be very difficult to plant it.

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另外须在栽植坑的底部放一些月季专用肥料或骨粉。If required, the addition of proprietary rose food or bone meal, into the base of the hole, should be done now.

总的来说,月季喜欢肥沃均衡的黏性壤土,能够忍受砂质土壤,但是会在白垩土中生长不良。On the whole roses love clay, enjoy a well balanced loam, tolerate sandy conditions but will struggle in chalk.

月季也拥有无比的韧劲,现在许多花都凋谢了,可月季的花却依然挺立枝头。Rose also has tremendous tenacity, and now many flowers withered, rose flower can still stand upright branches.

本文综述了玫瑰油和香水月季油成分的差异、香气的不同以及各自不同的用途。This review summarized the main differences of compositions, odor and application of rose oil and tea rose oil.

SIA和欧洲半导体产业协会以“三个月平均数字图标”方式发布了月季芯片销售数据。The SIA and the European Semiconductor Industry Association publish monthly data as three-month-average figures.

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月季花瓣中必需氨基酸种类齐全,营养价值较高,作为食用花卉具有较大的开发潜力。The nutritional value of Rosa chinensu was high and had a great potentiality to be developed as a edible flower.

夏季有流苏,滦树,合欢、猬实、锦带花,月季、百日红等植物开花不断。In summer tassel, Luan tree, acacia, Hystrix real, Weigela flowers, rose, red flowering continuously Hundred Days.

堆肥施用于观赏性植物月季,花卉的开花量增加,花径增大,花期延长。When compost was applied in ornamental China rose, its blossom quantity, flower diameter and flower stage were increased.