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没有风雨云层。No storm clouds.

然后又是云层。Then clouds again.

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云层正在招集。Clouds are banking up.

云层使太阳黯然无光。Clouds obscure the sun.

云层使太阳暗然无光。Clouds darkened the sun.

云层正在翻卷而去。The clouds are rolling away.

云层和铺卷而来的黑暗。By clouds and rolling darkness.

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云层为白色和淡蓝色。Clouds are white and pale blue.

星星从云层中隐约出现。Stars peeped through the clouds.

云层低盖着山峰。Low clouds cloaked the mountains.

太阳冲破云层出来了。The sun broke through the clouds.

落日余晖微染那片云层。The setting sun tinged the clouds.

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阳光穿过云层射下来。The sun shines through the clouds.

大型客机在云层上面飞行。The airliner flew above the clouds.

月亮从云层中隐约出现。The moon peered through the clouds.

给我矛枪!哦,云层,展开!Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!

飞机抖动着穿过了云层。The plane hitched through the clouds.

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壮丽的深蓝色云层。The splendid hue of dark-blue clouds.

云层很底,无线电不能到达你那里。Have been unable to reach you by radio.

当时云层厚度是十度。There was ten tenths cloud at that time.