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万能速干胶?Quick dry glue?

万能翻译器?The Universal Translator?

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四枚万能的金镑。Four omnipotent sovereigns.

不客气的说,金钱万能。Bluntly stated, money talks.

你怎样能证明“金钱万能”?How can you prove "money talks"?

只有恒心——是万能的。Persistence alone is omnipotent.

金钱万能,这点我不想否认。That money talks, I'll not deny.

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万能的主啊,请宽恕我吧。All-mighty God, please forgive me.

汝以为金钱万能否?Do you believe money is everything?

乌尔之书应该是万能个的才对啊!The book of UR should be omnipotent!

我们需要一台万能铣床。We need a universal milling machine.

他万能的臂可以把波浪分开。His arm is mighty to divide the wave.

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当金钱万能时,真理无言。When moneys speaks the truth is silent.

在我国,金钱万能太占上风了。Money talks way too loud in our country.

万能卡盘只有三个爪。The universal chuck has only three jaws.

我不需要万能的尤罗纠斯,我只是想要,找到你。I don't grow up any more, I just get older.

我不信你说的什么金钱万能的道理。I don't believe your theory of"money tells".

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浩渺宇宙到处充满了您万能的力量!Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

没有一个单独的,万能的神。No one single god was therefore all powerful.

容许我问shamwow万能布是用哪些材质作成的吗?Excuse me, what material is the ShamWow made of?