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玄武岩红土壳具帝状结构。Lateritic crust of basalts is of zonal texture.

NO2在黄土和红土表面的非均相反应均为一级反应。NO2 uptake on loess and laterite is first order.

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南雄有丰富的花岗石和红土资源。Nanxiong has abundant resources of granite and clay.

类似于红土的土壤存在。In Europe, there exists the soil similar to laterite.

我在红土奔跑,使尘埃云落在我的身后。I raced in the red clay, making dust clouds behind me.

这些树更适应这里的红土。These trees adapted more easily to the red earth here.

你是从这样东西那里获得了力量,它是桃瑞园的红土。From which you get your strength. The red earth of Tara.

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在这么炎热的天气下,你认为球速很慢吗,象红土场那样吗?In the heat, did you feel it's very slow, it's like clay?

红土型金矿是一种新的金矿工业类型。The lateritic gold deposit is a new gold industrial type.

今天这样一场比赛之后,我感觉我在红土上有了更多选择。After a match like today I feel I have more options on clay.

红土球场具有减缓球速、使球弹得更高的特性。Clay cour. ts slow t. he ball down and make it bounce higher.

夜里11点红土仓库附近,孙维君布置作战计划。Clay warehouse near 11 o clock at night, Sun Weijun decorate plan.

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你是从这样东西那里获得了力量,它是桃瑞园的红土。It's this from which you get your strength. The red earth of Tara.

这里的红土含有大概240亿吨的铁矿。The red earth here contains an estimated 24 billion tons of iron ore.

最后讨论了红土化过程小金的表生富集作用。Supergenous enrichment of gold during the laterization is also discussed.

在气候温和的一天,红土在澳大利亚的风景里轻缓地起伏。Red earth rolls gently through the Australian landscape on a temperate day.

继续前行,我们进入一片广阔地带,苍郁的松树矗立在遍布红土的半山腰上。Driving on, we entered a landscape with pale pines on hillsides of red earth.

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然后叫我们兄弟踩结实,就成了坚固的红土桥了。We brothers will tread down the soil then it becomes a solid red soil bridge.

即使是这样,我们也不会看到瑞士人就因此无人敢与西班牙人在红土场上叫阵。With that, I can’t see Switzerland pulling this one out on the clay in Spain.

窗外能看到的通常就是红土路和栎树以及矮矮的砖墙。Ordinarily he could see to the red road and the oak tree and the low brick wall.