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比尔一定检举揭发了我们。Bill must have grassed on us.

法官因受贿而被检举。The judge was impeached for taking a bribe.

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这个法官被检举接受贿赂。The judge was impeached for taking a bribe.

我知道李莉考试作弊了,我们该不该把她检举出来。I know Lily cheated on the test. Should we rat her out?

警方找到了他。一定是有人检举他。The police have found him. Someone must have ratted on him.

检举人称在迈克尔•维克的房产中发生了斗狗活动。Prosecutors say a dogfighting operation occurred on his property.

体育队的选手检举赌博弊案的秘辛。A player on the sports team blew the whistle on the gambling scandal.

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玛丽成了揭发者,因为她以偷税检举了她的老板。Mary is the whistle blower , she prosecuted her boss for tax dodging.

因为现金交易没有记录可查,他们可以轻易地进行而不被检举。Since cash transactions are unrecorded, they can easily go unreported.

公务员的检举权在公务员制度中是有所缺失的。It is short of prosecutive right of civil servant in civil servant system.

我们看到对国家检举无所畏惧的雇佣兵和倒在他们枪口下的伊拉克平民。We have seen mercenaries gun down Iraqi civilians with no fear of prosecution.

假如举报者觉得不方便,也欢迎直接向司法机关检举。If inform against person feel no-go , also welcome direct to judiciary impeach.

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如果你是体积小,检举实际上可以支持你的腰部水平。If you are small size, the spotter can actually support you at the waist level.

和陈良宇案一样,刘志军被检举也是得到了高层的批准。As with Chen, Liu's prosecution would have been approved by high level officials.

叶公瑾找回了公文包,但里头有份程云发检举他的信。Leaf GongJin rediscovered the briefcase, but there is in a cloud of hair impeach him.

检举者说这些非法组织已经扩展到世界其他国家中了。Prosecutors said the “Illegals Program” extended to other countries around the world.

据说检举这件事的官员也被调职了。It's said that those government officials who had blown the whistle also got transferred.

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其中,约三分之二的人表示他们会检举不称职的同事,这是应该的。About two-thirds said that they should and would report an impaired or incompetent colleague.

但是这个法庭是这个世界检举种族灭绝、战争犯罪和其他弥天大罪的守门员。But the court is the world's backstop for prosecuting genocide, war crimes and other enormities.

当你蹲下,如果你需要在你身后检举,一定要得到一个你可以信任的。When you do squat and if you need a spotter behind you, make sure you get someone you can trust.