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我不喜欢他那粗线条的工作方法。I do not like his slapdash way of doing things.

这里讲的是非常粗线条的,也未必正确。Mentioned here is very broad, it may not correct.

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它看起来像一个三角形,因为用了粗线条。It looks like a triangle, because a thick line was used.

首先将写好粗线条的预算评审。The first outline of the spending review will be written up.

这经常被认为是非常粗线条的进化论。This is often interpreted as a very rough theory of evolution.

什么是对事物的粗线条描述什么是细线条描述?What is a broad-brush description of things, what is described in fine lines?

日记、信札和传记粗线条地勾画出了那些有趣人物的人生。Diaries , letters and biographies sketch out the lives of many interesting figures.

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文章旨在对新时期湖北戏剧流变的基本轨迹作出粗线条的梳理。While Hubei drama of New Period acquires great achievements, there are some deficiences.

以前粗线条的牵引供电系统设计方法,已不能满足工程建设的需要。Previous broad-brush design methodology has been unable to meet the demands of project construction.

第二章首先对对西方主要发达国家有关监听立法的情况进行了粗线条式的描述。In the second chapter the author first vulgarly describe the legislations of the western developed countries.

数码相机无法应付闪电主体的亮度,它变成了模糊的粗线条。The digital camera was unable to cope with the brightness of the main streak and turned it into a thick blurry line.

这种飞船的粗线条三角形外观显示出它与正传三部曲里的帝国歼星舰有密切的关系。The bold triangular shape of the vessel shows a strong connection to the Imperial Star Destroyers of the original trilogy.

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对于如何从物理角度解释意识,我们甚至连笼统的粗线条轮廓,都尚未建立起来We don't even have the picture in broad strokes as far as consciousness is concerned, of how it could be done in physical terms.

对泰州市10多年的经济发展、高等教育发展变化做粗线条介绍。We introduce broad-brush the changes in Taizhou city of economic development and higher education development for more than 10 years.

从流光溢彩的上海到武汉等粗线条的工业重镇,数千万中国人正在将自己的大量储蓄转投股市。From glitzy Shanghai to gritty industrial centers like Wuhan, tens of millions of Chinese have poured substantial savings into stocks.

研究员预先加压塑料板,然后让它迅速通过传统的喷墨打印机,在板子上打印出黑色的粗线条。Researchers take a pre-stressed plastic sheet and run it through a conventional inkjet printer to print bold black lines on the material.

四分之一决赛对阵荷兰打入关键进球那时就已经相当粗壮了,1998年退役后身形甚至更加粗线条。Already rather portly when he scored the crucial winner against Holland in the quarters, he has gained even more timber since his retirement in 1998.

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你喜爱色彩绚丽的香水。粗线条的眼影与神采奕奕的眉毛经常让你吸引不少的目光。You like perfumes with florid , heady undertones, and you should call attention to your piercing eyes with bold shadow choices and well-groomed brows.

反而是那些身强体壮,看似粗线条的莽夫,当你接近他,成为他的莫逆之交时,你就会发现,他温柔可爱的一面。Those rough fellows look strong and mindless, but when you approach to them and become their close friend, you will find their loveliness and tenderness.

这一款新的宝马的侧面有一精美的粗线条从前侧翼一直延伸到车尾,可看出设计人员用心良苦。The side of the new BMW has a nice thick line that starts halfway on the front wing and then draws you to the rear of the car, which has had some work on it.