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青春归根到底是什么?What was youth at best?

归根到底,也许罪恶感是个好东西。So perhaps guilt is good after all.

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归根到底是说话人的真诚。What it comes down to is the sincerity of the sayer.

归根到底应该是用户怎么看这两种东西的。What it comes down to is how the user thinks about it.

归根到底,工业革命远未完结。After all, the industrial revolution is far from finished.

归根到底,最棒的节食就是已经融入到你的日常饮食而你却浑然不觉的小习惯。After all, the best diet is the one you don't know you're on.

但是归根到底,吸引人的是天穹和天穹上镶嵌着的无限多的星星。But, above all, there is this ceiling, this infinity of stars.

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我发现自己归根到底无法摆脱黑人区。I was discovering that I could not escape the ghetto after all.

解决这些问题归根到底要靠深化改革。The fundamental solution to these problems lies in deepened reform.

其实归根到底,你要么有自由的权利,要么就是没有。When it comes down to it, you either have the freedom or you don’t.

归根到底,这些事情都是一些感情问题。"These things, at the core, are relationship problems," Ybarra said.

归根到底,这是必须比邻而居的以色列人和巴勒斯坦人之间的问题。Ultimately it is Israelis and Palestinians who must live side by side.

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竞技体育的竞争归根到底是后备人才的竞争。The nature of athletics competition is the competition of talent reserve.

他是有系统地在关注每一个事情——归根到底,他是一个完美主义者。He was methodical and careful about everything —a perfectionist to the end.

不过说到政策,它归根到底是由对需要做什么的敏锐观察驱动的。But policy is, finally, being driven by a clear view of what needs to be done.

归根到底就是语义学,你所选择的语句是至关重要的。While much of this boils down to semantics, your choice of words are critical.

十三大归根到底是改革开放的大会。Basically, this congress will concentrate on the reform and the opening process.

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任何泡沫的稳定性归根到底都依赖于阻止泡泡们的合并。The stability of any foam ultimately relies on the hindrance of bubble coalescence.

归根到底,它是相当清楚的博物馆是储藏人类发现的东西。In the final analysis, it is quite clear that museums are treasure troves of mankind.

制造型企业的敏捷性归根到底在于其所提供产品的应变力。The agile of the manufacture depends largely on the mobility of the product provided.