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对我来说,那和失去一个孩子无异。To me, it was like losing a child.

有书闭卷不阅读,你知道教育。无异是一块木头。A book that remains shut is but a block.

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我在这个家里与仆人无异。I'm no better than a skivvy in this house.

我在这个家里与仆人无异。She refused to skivvy for the whole family.

定义修饰符与定义其他方法无异You define a decorator just like any other method

对美元来说这无异于一场完美风暴,”他说。It is the perfect storm for the dollar, " he said.

石蜡是糯碳氢化合物、无异味。Paraffin is a waxy hydrocarbon, without any smell.

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无异于你是幸运的,是上天的眷恋,也许吧!As you are lucky, be sentimentally attached, maybe!

愚人被丗俗牵绊,处境和囚犯无异。The fool is he popular way, situation and prisoners as.

夏威夷州承受不起任何打击,那无异于一场灾难。The state can ill afford anything approximating a calamity.

酒后架车把人撞死无异是杀人。Were killed when an intoxicated driver broadsided their car.

爱一个瞧不起你的女人无异于荆中舔蜜。To love a women who scorns you is like licking honey from thorn.

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复诵上主之名,并且呼求你的自性吧!此名与祂的圣名无异。Repeat the Name of God, and call upon your Self, Whose Name is His.

最终,这个模型在大小和重量上都和真正的燕尾蝶无异。Overall, the model is the same size and weight as a real swallowtail.

他若想那样解决问题,无异刻舟求剑。He would be milking a bull if he tried to settle the problem that way.

这无异于以管观天、用锥指地。In semiconductor receivers transistors take the place of vacuum tubes.

周友平面容姣好,行为举止,与淑女无异。Zhou Youping face the same good behavior, and the lady is no different.

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石蜡、棕榈蜡是石蜡油烃、无异味。Paraffin and palm oil Paraffin is a waxy hydrocarbon, without any smell.

鲍勃说他是小偷,无异于以五十步笑百步。Bob's calling him a thief is the same as the pot calling the kettle black.

任何非常先进的技术,初看都与魔法无异。III. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.