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也没有蔷薇花蕾在附近。No rosebud is nigh.

我心里有猛虎在细嗅蔷薇。In me the tiger sniffle the rose.

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有的蔷薇攀缘在架子上。Some roses climbed on the frames.

我心有虎,轻闻蔷薇。In me the tiger , sniffs the rose.

这些蔷薇花蕾还没有完全开放。These rosebuds haven't fully opened.

这缀满了露酒的麝香蔷薇The coming musk-rose, full of dewy wine

再说,绿蔷薇离这里有一个小时车程。Besides, Greenbrier's like an hour away.

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麝香蔷薇日日长,披满露珠似酒浆。The coming musk-rose, full of dewy wine.

我们都和你一样很喜欢这些蔷薇。We all enjoy the roses as much as you do.

蔷薇科和豆科同属一目。The Dermestidae belongs to another family.

美丽的蔷薇脱落了花朵。Beautiful rosebushes, after dropped leaves.

植物学家将这花归入蔷薇科。Botanists refer this flower to the rose family.

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这些蔷薇是从种子长大的,还是由枝条扦插而来的?Were these roses grown from seed or from cuttings?

蔷薇科太行花属系统位置的研究。The systematic position of genus Taihangia in Rosaceae.

终日我灌溉着蔷薇,却让幽兰枯萎!All day, my roses I nurtured, But let my orchids wither!

蔷薇科和豆科属于同一个目。The rose and the bean families belong to the same order.

蔷薇丛栽下不久就开始抽枝了。Soon after it was planted, the rosebush began to branch out.

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我说,“你来,给你一朵白蔷薇,好簪在襟上。”Come hither, give you a white rose, you may pin on the lapel.

蔷薇色的装饰会令你顿时生辉。Rosy touch-ups are an instant way to brighten up your outfits.

看见了世界上最鲜艳、最美丽的红蔷薇。See the world most bright-coloured, the most beautiful red rose.