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啊,这座土堆就是陵墓啊?Is this mound the mausoleum?

啊,这里还是广陵王的陵墓?You mean this is an imperial tomb?

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如今只有秋风吹着它无树的陵墓。Now fall wind blows its treeless tombs.

陵墓的周围筑有两重城垣。The tomb was surrounded with two walls.

图尔克陵墓,安卡拉,道路与狮。Ataturk Mausoleum, Ankara, Road With Lion.

图他卡门的陵墓,完好无缺地出土。The discovery of Tutankhamen's intact tomb.

所有那些大理石让人想起了陵墓。All that marble brought to mind a mausoleum.

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周王们的真正陵墓极可能就在这里。Western Thou kings mausoleum probably be there.

沙哲汗要把他爱妃的陵墓修得尽善尽美。Shah Jehan wanted his wife's tomb to be perfect.

这座精致的陵墓是为国王摩挲拉斯而建的。This elaborate tomb was built for King Mausolus.

南京中山陵是中国民主革命的先驱孙中山先生的陵墓。The Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum, a burial site of Dr.

潘瑟或帕加穆斯现在还坐在维勒斯的陵墓之侧吗?Does Panthea or Pergamus now sit by the tomb of Verus?

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列宁陵墓的守卫们,穿着毡靴的胶套鞋Guards of Lenin’s mausoleum in felt boots with galoshes.

古吉拉特的一位拉巴尼妇女拜谒先人的陵墓。ARabari woman in Gujarat visits the grave of an ancestor.

图坦卡门的陵墓在不久的将来也不会关门。Tutankhamun’s tomb will not be closed in the near future.

定陵,到目前为止唯一出土的明朝陵墓。Dingling- the only one of the Ming Tombs excavated so far.

中国人民知道泰吉·玛哈尔陵墓已有多年了。The Taj Mahal has been known to Chinese people for many years.

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定陵是明十三陵中至今惟一挖掘出的陵墓。Dingling is the only one of the 13 Ming tombs excavated so far.

在红场里的列宁陵墓,每天都有民众瞻仰其遗容。In the red mausoleum, Lenin people visit every day the dead looks.

那个石拱门标志着通往陵墓的神道的开始。The Stone Arch marks the beginning of the Sacred Way to the Tombs.