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要求扫描的行为是猖獗的。Demand for scans is rampant.

这房子鼠害猖獗。The house is overrun with rats.

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一时间,由水传播的疾病十分猖獗。Waterborne diseases are rampant.

苦难是巨大的,而犯罪却十分猖獗。The suffering is great, and crime is rampant.

蚊虫猖獗,什么驱蚊药都不管用。We were starving and bombarded by mosquitoes.

疟疾在一些沼泽地区仍很猖獗。Malaria is still rampant in some swampy regions.

这个地区过去风沙猖獗。The area used to be struck by raging sandstorms.

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病毒是很猖獗的,就像非典、禽流感等等。The virus are very rampancy, like SARS, H5N1 etc.

欺诈、暴力、对内对外的战争四处猖獗。Fraud, violence, war at home and abroad were rife.

攻击你猖獗所以,在这种情况下,进攻是最好的防御!So in this case, the best defense is a good offense!

酗酒问题在乌兰巴托的穷困和失业人口中猖獗泛滥。Alcoholism is rampant among UB's poor and unemployed.

已经被消灭的四害如今又猖獗起来。The four pests having been eliminated are rampant again.

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菲德尔带回杰姬,猖獗地打骂女儿。Fidel back to Jackie, rampant to beat and scold daughter.

人口贩运还助长了有组织犯罪的猖獗。Human trafficking also fuels the growth of organized crime.

由于海寇猖獗,很少有人敢走这一带海域。Overrun by pirates, few people dare to sail on this sea area.

教会和报纸严辞谴责猖獗的犯罪。The churches and newspapers fulminated against the crime wave.

盗版DVD销售猖獗,但是我没有看见电子游戏。Bootleg DVD sales are rampant, but I didn't see any video games.

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但是贪污腐败愈来愈猖獗,比如税收都到了最高投标人的手上。But corruption flourished, as tax money went to the highest bidders.

在一些实验室内,这种毫不重视生命的做法十分猖獗。Complete disregard of life is rampant in some terrible laboratories.

海盗行为在世界各地的商运航线上很猖獗。Piracy is alive and flourishing on the world's commercial sea-lanes.