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这间房子降价出售吗?Is this house on sale?

衬衣降价出售。The shirts are on sale.

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最近许多时装都在大降价。Many clothes are on sale recently.

如何逃脱降价的双重冲击?How to escape double dash in markdown?

可以还价,但不会有太多降价。Prices are negotiable, but not by much.

床上用品通常在一月份降价出售。Bedding usually goes on sale in January.

本店所有珠宝都降价出售。All the jewellery is on sale at the shop.

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但这两者都以大幅降价作出回应。But both responded with steep price cuts.

物超所值的饕餮盛宴大幅降价。Great Value, the prices have been slashed.

这间房子降价出售吗?To offer for sale, this house is for sale.

零售商用降价对此作出反应。Retailers have responded by slashing prices.

这家商店下周要降价出售所有的商品。This shop is closing out everything next week.

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假如降价了,他们就要求调价。If it is lower, they then ask for an adjustment.

所有录像设备今明两天降价出售。All video equipment is on sale today and tomorrow.

最后,我使这个商人又降价五英镑。In the end I cut the dealer down by another £5.00.

冬天这些空调器应降价。These air conditioners should come down in winter.

降价是轻卡行业的惟一出路吗?。Depreciate-is the only way for light truck industry?

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伊莱克斯不会泄露任何有关大幅降价的计划。Electolux won't reveal any plans to slash the price.

有些型号的笔记本电脑正在降价出售。The price of notebooks is decreasing in some models.

本店所有的鞋履均降价出售。All the shoes are on sale at this store for cut rates.