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老色鬼收到了一封征婚回信。Old goat received an Zhenghun reply.

宇宙,他成为海宁的第一个征婚者。The universe, he became haining first marriage.

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所以,我不认为征婚广告是可信的。So, I don't think dating advertisement is reliable.

个人征婚广告强调的是豪宅靓车。Personal ads emphasized plush homes and pretty cars.

他最好的朋友雅克布决定要为他发布征婚启事。His best friend jakob decided to where ads for his release.

以前这些征婚广告只针对那些准备移民去澳大利亚的印度人。Earlier, these advertisements would appear only for Australia.

于是她就在报纸上登了一则征婚广告上面列出了她的要求。So she put an ad in the paper which outlined her requirements.

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到目前为止,赵昆明和他的妻子已经成功撮合了1000名征婚者。So far, Zhao and his wife have matched 1, 000 clients successfully.

只要看上20个个人征婚广告你就会发现女人想要的男人是什么样的。幽默搞笑!Look up 20 personal ads and you'll know what women want a man to be.

只要看上20个个人征婚广告你就会发现女人想要的男人是什么样的。Look up 20 personal ads and you’ll know what women want a man to be.

我表哥通过杂志征婚,冤枉钱花了不少,却没有成效。Journal Zhenghun by my cousin, wronged a lot of money, but to no avail.

让我想起了另外一个征婚广告,一名50岁的女人想找到丈夫,她有一艘船。Remindsof a story of another ad. SWF 50 looking for husband, has a boat.

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还有件麻烦事是有哪位牧师愿意来婚礼上征婚。The only problem seems to be finding a vicar who is willing to do the ceremony.

在线相亲网站自己有一点像"在线相亲网站"的征婚者。The online dating sites are themselves a little like online-dating-site suitors.

既然征婚么,走把饿实际情况给大家社一哈,做个参考么。Since marriage seeker, my actual situation for everybody said, makes a reference.

他说这样的女孩现在很难找,所以要对这些征婚者提价。He says such women are now harder to find, so he bumps up his fees for some searches.

用情专一的男人们可以借此避开征婚市场上的繁文缛节。Uxorious-minded men could sidestep the marriage market's elaborate and costly etiquette.

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另外,网上征婚,它确实避免了现实生活中面对面相亲的尴尬。More over, Marriage hunting on line , it do avoid the embarrassed than the face-to- face.

印度最大的网络产业来自于征婚。One of the biggest online industries in India has been the business of arranging marriages.

但因为陪伴田欣进行产检,却又再次碰见征婚者许医师?!But because the company Tian Xin prenatal, the but again meet again marriage make doctors? !