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为节俭立法。Legislated Frugality.

立法是一种选择。Legislation is one option.

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第二点,不应有道德式的立法。Number two, no morals legislation.

我国的立法与学理传统基本接近大陆法系。P. R. China is a civil law country.

国会是一个两院制的立法机关。Congress is a bicameral legislature.

这是立法所必须给予通过的。It's a must-pass piece of legislation.

第一,家长式的立法。One of them is paternalist legislation.

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这些人对他在立法机关所受的挫折幸灾乐祸。They gloat at his legislative setbacks.

他被选举为国家立法机关的委员。He was elected to the state legislature.

在当时,立法是公会的职责。The Sanhedrin the law makers of the day.

参议院后来通过了原来打算讨论的立法。The Senate later passed the legislation.

第四章见义勇为行为立法完善的构想。Chapter 4 The idea of perfecting the law.

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新立法要求在二○一○年之前移除。The new laws call for its removal by 2010.

议院的立法实体有535个成员。A bicameral law-making body of 535 members.

立法机关常采取消极行动。Legislatures often act in a negatory manner.

立法会议昨天休会。The legislative session prorogued yesterday.

立法机关必须回应大量问题。Legislatures must answer a host of questions.

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地方政府立法?新的预算法?Local government legislation? New budget law?

但政策和立法只能走这么远。But policy and legislation can only go so far.

它是在全面总结确权立法经验教训的基础上形成的。It is based on sum up experience of lawmaking.