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导盲犬可以为盲主人引路。A guide dog can lead its blind owner.

他给那个人引路穿过街道到达车站。He guided the man through the streets to the station.

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在这个岛上,贫穷是一种路标,会为你引路。Poverty is part of what will guide you around the island.

让尼康的激光测距仪引路一个更好的游戏。Let Nikon's Laser Rangefinders lead the way to a better game.

有师父在前面引路,还有什么坎越不了,还有什么关过不去呢?The master in the way, and what is not what Hom, close to pass?

人们会去坟上上坟并给点起火把给回家的灵魂引路。Graves are visited and fires might be lit to guide the spirits home.

我从未想到蝙蝠居然是靠耳朵引路的。Itss never occurred to me that bats are really guided by their ears.

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那一缕缕烛光是否为那样的无奈引路,踏上快乐的下一站!The worms for that whether the candle on the happiness, but next station!

他在用手臂引路的时候还会伴有很多故意的“意外接触”。Along with the arm guide, there'll be lots of accidentally-on-purpose touches.

那一年,欧几里德12岁。他是个黑人孩子,干着拉皮条、引路和跑腿儿的差事。Euclide was a 12-year-old black kid who worked as a hustler, guide and errand boy.

因西汉末年刘秀遭王莽追杀到此金鸡引路而名。Xiu Han Dynasty by Wang Mang to kill this golden rooster lead the way by which name.

安海在前侧着身子引路。秦岚和想想在外面跟着。Anne's sea fore side write the body guide the way. Qin Lan and want at the outdoor emulate.

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理想如天上的星星,我们虽不能到达,但像水手一样,我们能用其引路。Ideas are like the stars---we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them.

哈尼族把白鹇视为吉祥幸福的象征,村寨搬迁时抱一只小白鹇鸟来引路。When Hani people move out of a village, a young silver pheasant is used to guide the direction.

为我们做神像,可以在我们前面引路,因为领我们出埃及地的那个摩西,我们不知道他遭了什么事。As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don't know what has happened to him.

只有一个人努力奋斗后,而且散步时不需要拐杖或引路者时才是最幸福的。A man is never so happy as when he suffices to himself, and can walk without crutches or a guide.

罗伯特为艾米莉引路,因为他很清楚路况,艾米莉忧郁了一会儿,但还是跟着他前进了。Robert led the way for Emily because he knew the path well. Emily hesitated but made her way forward.

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一天,国王骑马狩猎去了,王后便带着这些小衬衫走进森林,用线团儿在前面给她引路。Then one day when the king had ridden out hunting, she took the little shirts and went into the woods.

三五成群的,往往是一条大鱼在前边引路,后面跟的是一些小的鱼。In groups of three and four, is often a big fish in front leading the way, followed by some little fish.

这个词汇以前的意思是不拿蜡烛给你引路的人不适合当你的仆人。The expression meant that the person who cannot hold a candle to you is not fit even to be your servant.