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他的心脏停止了跳动。His heart stopped beating.

平波上跳动的晶莹。The leaping of level wave!

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她的心剧烈地跳动。Her heart throbbed violently.

我听见自己的心脏在怦怦地跳动.I hear my heart beating fast.

我能听见你的心脏在跳动。I can hear your heart beating.

我的心脏像泵般跳动得很快。My heart was pumping very fast.

球在地板上上下跳动。The ball bobbled on the ground.

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如果有必要的话,你还可以上下跳动。Jump up and down if you need too.

没有爱人的聪慧心要如何跳动呢?。Or doth it beat Without love's smart?

五个打拳击男巫快速跳动。The five boxing wizards jump quickly.

五个打拳的男巫快速的跳动。The five boxing wizards jump quickly.

节拍有点像心脏的跳动The beat's kind of like the heartbeat.

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五个打拳的男巫快速跳动。Thee five boxing wizards jump quickly.

我的每条血管为献身而跳动。Each vein of mine throbs with devotion.

希望常在人心中跳动!Hope springs eternal in the human breast!

音程跳动较大。The musical interval jitterbug is bigger.

在下方的视频中你可以看到细胞的跳动Watch the cells pulse in the video below.

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鬼在漂浮,精灵们在跳动。With ghosts floating and goblins jumping.

心脏跳动,心脏博动跳动或博动,如心脏。A throbbing or pulsation, as of the heart.

我的眼睛带着迟钝和麻木的痛跳动着。My eye throbbed with a dull, numbing pain.