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恐惧是人的头号强敌。Fear is a person’s greatest enemy.

她在强敌面前畏缩了。She ducked before the strong opponent.

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我知道你很强大,而他是个强敌。I knew you were strong, he was a powerful enemy.

我知道你很强大,而阿罗纳克斯是个强敌。I knew you were strong, but Arronax is a powerful enemy.

这一举动将使得他们成为西部冠军的强敌。This move makes them an instant title contender in the West.

正念如盾牌,可以抵御强敌,何卫自身。Right mindfulness is a shield that protects us from our enemies.

死在对强敌的手里是英雄,不敢接招是懦夫。Die at the hands of powerful enemies are heroes, dare not Take That are a coward.

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第四、深化内部分工,标树外部强敌。Fourth, deepen the internal division of labor, standard tree outside powerful enemy.

激励着彝族人民的自信心和自尊心,鼓舞世代彝族人民战胜强敌和自然灾害。Bimo culture has encouraged the Yi to beat their enemies and overcome natural disasters.

现在要战胜这样一个强敌,非有长期的广大的努力是不可能的。It is impossible to vanquish so strong an enemy without making an extensive and long-term effort.

阿赫塞纳。温格表示如果在冠军杯淘汰赛阶段遇到强敌会非常高兴。Arsène Wenger will be perfectly happy to take on a major name in the Champions League Knockout Stage.

情绪激动的萨卡什维利说,在与超级强敌俄罗斯的对峙中,他“永远永远不会投降”。An emotional Saakashvili said he will "never, ever surrender" in the showdown with much-larger Russia.

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勇者必须破解近乎无懈可击的强敌所编织的诡诈阴谋。Complex intrigues where the hero must thwart the subtle machinations of seemingly unbeatable opponents.

所谓围魏救赵,是指当敌人实力强大时,要避免和强敌正面决战,应该采取迂回战术,迫使敌人分散兵力,然后抓住敌人的薄弱环节发动攻击,致敌于死地。The idea here is to avoid a head on battle with a strong enemy, and instead strike at his weakness elsewhere.

虽然詹纳的方法只用于对一种疾病的预防,但此病是危害人类的一种强敌,非同小可。Though Jenner's method only was used in one disease, but the disease was a strong enemy to human, very serious.

但是即便是这样的国米锋线,仍然不具备与强敌打阵地战的实力。But even this is Inter Milan striker still do not have enemies to fight with the strength of positional warfare.

太阳城娱乐即便是这样的国米锋线,仍然不具备与强敌打阵地战的实力。But even this is Inter Milan striker, still do not have enemies to fight with the strength of positional warfare.

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这样五军合击,必然形成有利的形势,这就是攻击强敌的办法。If the five troops strike simultaneously, they will certainly gain advantage. This is the way to attack the strong.

村口巍然矗立十二座坟墓,乃十二名铮铮男儿不畏强敌誓死捍卫村民的见证。Village stands rock-firm twelve grave, but a dozen ZhengZheng manhood defying propetamphos defend villagers testimony.

我们想要获得小组第一名,但是也许对阵大俱乐部未必就是不利,因为他们也同样面对强敌。We want to win the group but maybe it is not necessarily a disadvantage to play a big club, because they play as well.