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我的锚链是不涂焦油的。My anchor's cable is not tarred.

吸食低焦油香烟是安全的。Low-tar cigarettes are safe to smoke.

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北卡罗莱纳则被称为“焦油脚后根之州”。North Carolina is the Tar Heel State.

其中包括沥青,焦油和蜡。These comprise asphalt, tar and waxes.

煤炭焦油所衍生出的色料。Colorings made from coal-tar derivatives.

焦油球继续被冲刷到沙滩上。Tar balls continue to wash up on beaches.

什么香烟焦油量低?Which brand of cigarette contains low tar?

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即使吸食低焦油的烟草也同样会提高患病风险。Use of smokeless tobacco also raises the risk.

还在为买了有焦油的汽化炉而生气吗?Also for the purchase of a gasifier tar you angry?

散发着烟草、茴香酒的醇香与一丝焦油的淡雅气息。Offering tobacco and anisette notes and a touch of tar.

当你肺里的焦油量逐渐增多,时间也在不断飞逝。Time sure does fly when you are tarring over your lungs.

吸式设计,可以产生相对焦油无气。Downdraft can be designed to produce relatively tar-free gas.

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为省半便士焦油钱,死了一条羊。It is no use spoiling the sheep for a halfpenny worth of tar.

里面还有很强的毒素尼古丁和黑焦油。There is also nicotine, which is powerful poison, and black tar.

本产品为彩色、非焦油、双组份绿色环保防水涂料。This product color, non-tar, bicomponent green waterproof coating.

用焦油白云石做包衬,在德国及欧洲其它国家很普及。The ladle lining with tar dolomite is common in German and in Europe.

相反,该核心可能由富碳物质比如说焦油中形成。Instead the core may have formed from carbon-rich fragments, like tar.

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以工业副产物木素磺酸和焦油酚为主要原料研制出一种新的合成鞣剂。A new syntan product prepared with tar phenol and lignin sulfonic acid.

略懂,这就是为何我选择抽含尼古丁和焦油量低的品牌香烟。Yeah, but that's why I smoke a brand with low nicotine and tar content.

从煤焦油或其他矿物焦油所得的沥青及沥青焦。Pitch and pitch coke, obtained from coal tar or from other mineral tars.