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其余的人想安安稳稳的过日子。The rest of us want to live in peace.

猫安安稳稳地蹲在扶手椅里。The cat ensconced itself in the armchair.

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我想最聪明的办法还是安安稳稳地躺着。I thought it the most prudent method to lie still.

于是很快我在合适的位置上来就有了足够的地板空间来安安稳稳的工作。Soon I had enough floor in place to form a stable perch.

他们还记得妈妈用手压实他们的被子,把他们安安稳稳放置在床上吗?Were they remembering mother tucking them safely into bed?

但是我知道,人活着要安安稳稳、踏踏实实。But I do know that we should live a practical and solid life.

那棵菱角就又安安稳稳浮在水面上生长去了。The water chestnut floated placidly there, where it would grow.

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在这个笼子的底部有三只小乌龟安安稳稳的慢慢地爬着。There were three turtles, unharmed, slowly walking around the base of the trap.

可是约翰在地板上仍旧安安稳稳地睡下去,她也就由他睡在那儿。However, John continued to sleep so placidly on the floor that she allowed him to remain there.

即使不见面,不说话,不发信息,心里总会留一个位置,安安稳稳的放着一个人。If not, do not speak, do not send a message, my heart will always leave a place, a person quiet.

当然不算,真正的幸福是心无任何杂念,平平静静,安安稳稳的度过每一天。Of course not, true happiness is the heart without any distractions, go, be firm and secure to spend every day.

能在令人厌烦的老板手下安安稳稳工作的人常常会得到上层领导的器重,因为他们对形势有应对力。Employees who are able to survive a trying boss often earn the respect of higher- ups for their ability to manage a situation.

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如果一位创业者安安稳稳地等待某位熟人为他提供初创企业的启动资金,他或许得熬上相当长一段时间。If you set around quietly waiting for someone you know to offer you money to fund a startup, you will probably have a long wait.

他在中年时期已是一位颇为成功的种植园主,足以过上安安稳稳、舒舒服服的好日子。In his middle age he seemingly had everything needed in life to settle down, and live a comfortable life of a successful planter.

夏天月亮照着的时候,你还让我们安安稳稳地睡觉,可是冬天的大风一刮回来,你就非要找安身的地方不可了!We were left at peace on our beds as long as the summer moon shone, but the moment a blast of winter returns, you must run for shelter!

我曾安安稳稳地坐着普尔曼卧车,周游了衣阿华州和堪萨斯州那些昏暗凄凉的村镇以及佐治亚州那些乌烟瘴气的沿海渔村。Safe in a Pullman , I have whirled through the gloomy, Godforsaken villages of Iowa and Kansas, and the malarious tidewater hamlets of Georgia.

不要让人们对科技的不断渴望误导你,以为人们在漫长的经济衰退中会一直安安稳稳的坐在沙发中。Don't let consumers' continued thirst for technology have you thinking everyone will be anchored to the couch through the remainder of the recession, however long it lasts.

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思嘉知道这些修整工夫是为了让自己像个讲究的上等人模样去见母亲,假装是拜访邻居以后安安稳稳骑马回来的。Scarlett knew these hurried preenings were being made with an eye toward meeting his wife with the appearance of a gentleman who had ridden sedately home from a call on a neighbor.