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但我没有规定必须要画族谱。But I didn't ask for a family tree.

但是家族谱并不会止于此。But the family tree doesn’t stop there.

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你或许会好奇,我为什么会为自己建立族谱?You may wonder why I should write a genealogy.

这就是龙门镇的孙氏族谱。This is the genealogy of the Sun family clan in Longmen.

你的族谱可能和你想象向背。Your family tree may look quite different than you expected.

李华重视族谱学与社会实情。He lays stress on genealogical studies and the social reality.

麦凯恩的族谱,包括苏格兰,爱尔兰和英国的祖先。McCain's family tree includes Scots-Irish and English ancestors.

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“族之有谱,犹国之有史”,重视族谱的纂修是我国重要的文化现象。The family has its genealogy as the each country has its own history.

移民社会的族谱资料,对社会和其德国重视。Immigrant genealogy society-information on the society and its german emphasis.

这是孩子们在利用,家族时间表来分析族谱。Here you see the study of the family tree which used the family timeline before.

如果你知道这个传统是何时以及怎么开始的,也在你的族谱上记录下来吧。If you know how and when the tradition began write it down in your heritage album.

祠堂、族谱、族田是近世家族制度的三项标志。Ancestral hail, clan pedigree and clan field are three marks of modem family system.

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祠堂、族谱、族田是近世家族制度的三项标志。Ancestral hall, clan pedigree and clan field are three marks of modern family system.

家族谱牒是记载宗族历史、谱系的文献,起源很早,形式多样。Genealogy originated very early and records the family history, having different forms.

试验者还给受测对象展示了描绘程度不一种族混合情形的族谱。They also showed them family trees that depicted various degrees of racial commingling.

我很想知蔺族谱,同门宗有知请通知。谢谢!I feel like know family tree of Lin, fellow disciple case have know please notify. Thanks!

在测试族谱树时,我加入了父亲的电子邮件地址,但是还没把网址告诉他。In my test tree, I added my dad’s email address but didn’t otherwise mention the site to him.

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这份族谱表明,奥巴马是理查德长子乔纳森?新格尔特里的后代。The genealogical chart shows that Obama descends from Richard's eldest son, Jonathan Singletary.

我们希望有选择,以确定哪些信息是在下线族谱显示。We want to have the option to determine what information is displayed in the downline genealogies.

谱牒是一氏一族的世系和血缘关系之记录,在台湾南部的六堆地区所用名目多沿采家谱、族谱。The genealogy is used to record and narrate the history and lineage of the name of a family or a race.