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对人的生与死的看法即生死观,古往今来与时俱变。There have been various views about life and death through the ages.

老子的生死观追求的是效法天长地久之道,生死任其自然,从而做到“死而不亡者寿”。Laozi s outlook on life and death is closely related to his Tao theory.

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关于生死观的问题,本质上是一个信仰的问题。On the problem of Life and Death, it is a problem of belief in essence.

按照马克思主义的说法,生死观就是世界观。According to Marxist theory, the Concept of Life and Death is exactly the World Outlook.

用人文精神看生死观,对于我们党来说,是一个全新的课题。Viewing the Concept of Life and Death using the humanities spirit, for Our Party, is a fire-new topic.

作为我们党,已经有了用科学精神看生死观,用民族精神、革命精神看生死观。Our Party has possessed the Concept of Life and Death using the scientific, national and revolutionary spirits.

现在,还需要补上一课,就是用人文精神看生死观。Now we need a complement of another lesson, namely, looking at the Concept of Life and Death using the Humanistic Spirit.

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第二部分主要探讨庄子的生死观和散文创作的关系。The second part of the paper mainly discussed the relationship between Zhuangzi"s life and death viewpoint and prose writing."

相对于用宗教精神看生死观,马克思主义对于生死观的教育,还是有很多不足的。Relative to the Concept of Life and Death of religion spirit, however, the education of this concept of Marxism is not very enough.

每一次的生死观的教育,应该是一次心灵的启迪、心灵的净化、心灵的升华。Every time of education on the concept of life and death, should one time of edification , spiritualization and sublimation in mind.

生死观,是人与自然、人与世界之间的关系的本质观点。The Concept of Life and Death is the essence of viewpoint of the relation between human being and nature, and human being and world.

当代中国老年人在生死观上表现为不怕死,而当真正面临死亡时,又呈现出恐惧的一面。Contemporary old men in China display in the view of life and death not fearing the death, when facing the death, they are frightened.

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揭示神道生死观的内核与实质,有利于推进“解日本民族文化之谜”这一事业。The revelation of the core and essence of Shinto views on life will progress the cause of "discovering the mystery of Japanese culture".

生死观是人生哲学的集中体现,在冯友兰的人生哲学系统里蕴含了丰富的生死观思想,阐发了他对生与死的独到“反思”。Feng's philosophy of life contains a wealth of ideas of the concept of life and death, illustrating his unique reflection on life and death.

其实对每一个人来说,都有一个如何理解生死观的精神需求。Actually, for everybody all having a spirit requirement of how to understand the Concept of Life and Death, Party members are without exception.

儒家的生死观在中国历史上的影响是深远而巨大的,其影响既有积极的一面,也有消极的一面,但主要是积极的。Confucianist's view of life and death has both positive and negative influences in the Chinese history, but the mainstream is the positive side.

未来研究应细化世界观的概念,并借鉴本土文化中的生死观。In the future, researchers should refine the concept of worldview, and take advantage of the viewpoints on life and death in indigenous culture.

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人生观的内容包括,幸福观、苦乐观、荣辱观、恋爱观、友谊观、生死观等。The contents of the concept of life, including the concept of happiness, bitterness, optimism, honor, love, friendship, life and death, and so on.

道家生死观对现代人建立系统的生死哲学和科学的生死观念具有重大的理论意义和实践价值。It has great theoretical significance and practical value for modern people to establish systematic and scientific philosophy about life and death.

本文通过对人类上古神话和原始习俗研究原始人类的生命意识及其生死观这项文化心理。In this paper is discussed a kind of cultural psychology typical of primitive people, that is, their life concept and their outlook on life and death.