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以此类推,认识五官。By analogy, know facial features.

她是一个五官端正的姑娘。She is a girl of regular feature.

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它只能执行五官的功能It's able to do the five-senses thing.

树熊松开我,浮到水面,离我的脸很近,毛公仔似的五官毫无表情。The koala let go and surfaced near my face.

又如果你停止吸烟,是一种很好的,你的五官。Also if you stop smoking is very good for your lungs.

他的五官与他的小脸不成比例。His facial features were out of proportion to his small frame.

是节检的,洁净的,恒久安静的,常常谨守著五官。It is sober and chaste, firm and quiet, guarded in all the senses.

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尽管他们的鼻子,他们的五官,都既笔挺又完美,棱角分明。Though their noses, all their features, were straight, perfect, angular.

接着需要重新描绘五官,以确保得到正确的边缘。Repainting of the features will be necessary then to produce the correct edges.

试想一下,人物肖像绘画中五官颠倒错乱,会呈现怎样的效果呢?Imagine what would happen if the facial features of a portrait became misarranged?

我想我们在运用我们所有五官时恐怕也同样是冷漠的。The same lethargy, I am afraid, characterizes the use of all our faculties and senses.

根据他们的建议,我们在挑选巧克力时,五官都应该用上。Then, you should follow these five tips from connoisseur chocolate makers Ghirardelli.

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都属于第二性,第二性就是通过五官察觉到的感觉特质。the secondary qualities, the sensory qualities that we detect through our five senses.

在五官文化中,嘴的双重功能-吃饭与说话-显得格外重要。In facial culture , the dual function of mouth-to eat and speak is particularly important.

品德优秀,五官端正,口齿清晰,身体健康,无重大疾病史。Nice moral character, the five sense organs are on the place, clear speaking, and healthy.

她说,“安吉莉娜的五官不可能适合每一张脸,我们必须要注意这一点。”"Features like Angelina's won't fit every face and we must take care with that, " she said.

她说,“安吉莉娜的五官不可能适合每一张脸,我们必须要注意这一点。”"Features like Angelina\'s won\'t fit every face and we must take care with that,\" she said.

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你摸过耶稣没有?可有尝过他?嗅过他?你有没有用五官来感觉过上帝?Have you felt Jesus did not? He had tasted? Smell him? Have you ever use features to feel God?

圆脸的人整体五官不要出现太多的线条,圆润一些更好。Facial features of moonfaced person whole does not appear too much line, a few fruitier better.

她还年轻,五官端正,脸色平静,从面部轮廓可以看出种种压抑,甚至还有某种坚强。She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repressions and even a certain strength.