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更为内资企业招商引资启开了新的一面。More investment-funded enterprises opened a new side.

但这仅限于上海内资公司注册。But this is limited to domestic companies registered in Shanghai.

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结果表明,全行业范围内,FDI对内资企业技术创新能力的影响不明显。Results show that, in the entire industry, the FDI effects are unobvious.

内资、外资或存在替代关系,或存在互补关系。There is either substitution or complement between domestic capital and foreign capital.

我司成立于2003年,是一家专业生产五金件内资企业。I Division was established in 2003, is specialized in producing hardware-funded enterprises.

我公司是台北亿广电子股份有限公司驻华南地区的内资生产企业。Our company is in Taipei billion-Electronics Corp. in southern China's domestic enterprises.

我国的民营企业是指除国有、集体企业以外的由民间资本组成的内资企业,产生于改革开放初期。In our country , family-owned enterprises came into being in the early times of market reform.

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从行业层面看,外资企业对内资工业部门有显著的正向溢出效应。From the industry level, foreign-funded industrial sector has significant positive spillover effects.

记者3日从国内最大的内资油脂企业黑龙江九三油脂集团获悉,该厂目前已全部停产。Ltd, the largest domestic oil & fat company on Dec 3, the group has stopped its production completely.

办理税务登记证后根据企业经营范围确定,与内资企业税率一致。Depend on business scope after tax registration , and tax-rate is consistent with domestic enterprises.

公司成立至今与众多的外资企业,内资合作。Since its establishment, Yuanhe has developed into cooperation with various domestic and foreign enterprises.

也带来了区域经济非均衡、“挤出”内资企业、冲击我国经济等消极效应。It also has some negative effects such as regional economic unbalance , "excluding" of domestic enterprises, etc.

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居民企业包括外资企业、内资企业以及实际管理机构和控制权在中国境内的企业。Resident enterprises include FIEs, domestic enterprises and enterprises with actual management and control in the PRC.

因此,对我国内资商业银行来说,税制环境的完善已经显得越来越重要。To Chinese national capital commercial banks, the work for perfecting the tax institution environment becomes more important.

简而言之,一个国家越腐败,就越难吸引到长期和高质量的投资,无论是外资还是内资皆不例外。Simply, the more corrupt a country, the more difficult it is to attract long-term, quality investment, both foreign and domestic.

结果发现整体上内资企业并没有明显获得垂直专业分工的技术溢出效应。The results showed that domestic-funded enterprises did not gain significant technology spillover effect from vertical specialization.

研究结果还表明,不论从整体角度还是分行业角度,内资企业的技术吸收能力对内资企业生产率提升都很微弱。The results also show that the absorptive capacity of domestic-enterprises is very weak both from sub-sectors and overall point of view.

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同时发现如果外资企业能加大其R&D经费支出则对我国内资企业的发展有正向的促进作用。At the same time, if the foreign companies increase the expenditure on R&D, it will be good for the development of the domestic enterprise.

泽瑞光电是一家集LED灯具研究、开发、销售于一体的内资企业。本公司坐落在江门市高新技术开发区创业中心。JerryLight Corporate is a domestic company focusing on LED R&D and sale. Our company locates on the Jiangmen Innovation and High-tech Zone.

目前入区内资企业达到58家,外资企业有美国亚什兰、法国液化空气等9家公司。Presently, 58 domestic enterprises as well as 9 foreign enterprises from American Ashland and from French Air Liquide had been settled in it.