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水坝是河狸筑的。Dams are built by beavers.

河狸用它那尖锐的牙齿咬树皮。The beaver uses its large sharp teeth gnaw it.

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河狸以家庭为群,一起生活和工作。Beavers live and work together in family groups.

早期的开拓者也捕杀河狸,取它们的肉。Early settlers also killed beavers for their meat.

河狸用树枝和泥土修筑它们的家。The beavers build their home by using sticks and mud.

山猫需要野兔、河狸和兽穴。Or the bobcat, needing rabbits and beavers and den sites.

河狸离开它大而坚硬的前牙就不能生存。A beaver could not live without his big strong front teeth.

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河狸是一种大啮齿目动物,以它们的技巧和精力而闻名。Beavers are a large rodent noted for their skill and energy.

长期以来,人们捕猎美洲河狸,以获取它的绒毛皮。The American beaver has long been hunted for its velvety fur.

美洲旱獭看起来像长着浓密的灰褐色毛的河狸。A ground hog looks like a beaver with thick, brownish-gray hair.

欧洲有一些河狸,但是,大部分河狸都在北美洲。There are some beavers in Europe, but most are found in North America.

河狸专门从事的那种建筑工作确实令人震惊。The kind of construction work a beaver specializes in is truly amazing.

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河狸可以找到更多营养丰富的嫩枝和树杈来养活新的群体。Beavers find enough nutritious twigs and branches to support new colonies.

河狸常常修筑堤坝,使水塘的水位保持不变。Beavers often build dams to keep the water of the pond at a constant level.

去年七月二十五日,在阿姆斯特丹的阿提兹动物园里,一只鸭子望著一只河狸鼠。A duck looks at a beaver rat in the Artis Zoo in Amsterdam on July 25, 2007.

河狸把木料搬运或拖拉进水中,再漂浮到需要的地方。The beavers carry or drag the logs into the water and float them into place.

她真是个'积极的河狸',我敢保证她在咱们公司会很有作为的。She's a real eager beaver and I'm sure she will do very well in this company.

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类似的动物类似的或相关的啮齿动物,如水猪、河狸鼠和刺豚鼠。Any of various similar or related rodents, such as the capybara, coypu, and agouti.

为了使巢更舒适,河狸用草或碎木铺在地面。To make it more comfortable, a beaver carpets the floor with grass or shredded wood.

左边是河狸,右边是溪流、山杨、赤杨和柳树。Here is the beaver. And here is the stream, and the aspen and the alder and the willow.