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胡安娜说棉线修眉也“比使用蜜蜡更加准确。Threading is also "more defined than waxing.

我想,他的头发是棕色的,并且他穿着一件黑色长袖棉线衫。He had brown hair, I think, and he was wearing a black sweatshirt.

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放在一个接近真空的灯泡中,这块碳化棉线持续地点亮了半天以上。Inside a near-vacuum bulb, it stayed alight for more than half a day.

棉花线是一个很好的柔滑线程扭过混纺染色深浅与棉线。Cotton Cord is a fine-twisted over-dyed cotton thread with blended shades.

还好最后被我翻到这款浅蓝色竹棉线!Luckily I managed to dig out this particular light-blue bamboo-cotton mix!

棉线马夹,尺寸大小可根据客户要求定做。Cotton embroidered vest, cotton vest, size according to customer requirements.

腰围以宽大厚实麻或棉线织成的腰带,或白色、或青色、或黑色、或蓝色。Waistline by wide thick hemp or wove belt, or white, or cyan, or black or blue.

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他显得毫不费力,就如妇女弯曲用于解开棉线、以供纺纱的小棒一般。He did it as easily as a woman bends the rod that untangles cotton for spinning.

关于棉线修眉的争论不止是一个商业定位问题或者健康小问题。The threading battle isn't just a niche business or minor health concern, either.

她用彩色棉线把衣服上那个小破洞缝缀得像个花朵儿一样。She stitched on the patch and made it look like a flower by using colorful thread.

在油画布上以刺绣棉线作画,并把数学曲线作为形象。The artist is exploring the probability of "paint" on the canvas with cotton thread.

一个真空玻璃灯泡中的碳化棉线。他的这项发明证明。Through a carbonized cotton thread in a vacuum glass bulb. His invention proved that.

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腰围以宽大厚实麻或棉线织成的腰带,或白色、或青色、或玄色、或蓝色。Waistline by wide thellock hemp or wove belt, or whellote, or cyan, or black or blue.

胡安娜补充道,棉线修眉要比使用蜜蜡修眉更加安全。Gutierrez adds that threading is much safer than using hot wax to remove eyebrow hairs.

您还可以用通草花、麻、棉线等比较环保的材料。You also can use a flower diffuser, linen and cotton or some other sustainable materials.

我们的产品主要是梭织布料,例如亚麻、苎麻、棉线与数种混合的布料。Our products are made of fine woven fabrics, such as linen, ramie , cotton and blended fabrics.

考取美容执照需要一万两千美金,而棉线修眉并不在州美容执照考试的范围内,并且几乎没有美容学校教这门手艺。Threading isn't tested on the state licensing exams, and few beauty schools even teach the craft.

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棉包涤线是高品质精梳棉和高强长丝线一起捻合的线。本产品既有高强线的拉力,又有棉线的质感。Cotton core-spun has made from combed cotton and high tensile threads, with good quality and hand feel.

全球唯一能够确保每次产出的同一色号的棉线无色差。The whole world can guarantee only each time delivers identical color number cotton thread achromatism.

在测试了数以百计的材料之后,他们把一块缠在一起的棉线烘烤到碳化状态。After testing hundreds of materials, they baked a piece of coiled cotton thread until it was all carbon.