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从自身坐标到世界坐标变换方向。Transforms direction from local space to world space.

给出了对数极坐标变换的FPGA实现方案。The FPGA implementation scheme of LPT is also discussed in the paper.

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普赖斯文献指数增长曲线是经坐标变换处理过的曲线。The literature growth curve of D. Price is a kind of coordinate-transformated curve.

本内容关于如何进行空间数据的坐标变换问题。The content on how to conduct the coordinates of spatial data transformation problems.

利用坐标变换,导出对称轴的变换公式。Based on the coordinate transformation, the formula of symmetry axes transformation is driven.

PHIGS是继GKS之后又一个ISO图形标准,坐标变换流水线是其中的重要环节。PHIGS is another ISO graphics standard after GKS. Output pipeline is among its important part.

本文第二章详细说明了原始数据的数据结构和各种坐标变换。In the second chapter, data structure and various coordinates conversion are discussed in details.

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给出了基于这一方程出发设计的立体显示坐标变换电路。It also gives the three dimensional display coordinate conversion circuit which is on the equation.

在洛沦兹坐标变换的基础上,对时间延缓的相关问题进行了探讨。Based on the discussion of Lorentz coordinate conversion, the discussion about time dilation is made.

文章还对坐标变换过程中的电磁功率不变性原则进行了讨论。This paper also discusses the principle of the electromagnetic power unchangeableness to some extent.

探讨了利用坐标变换理论对多视点云数据对齐的算法。Disscusing the algorithm of alignment of mult-version point cloud by coordinate transformation theory.

非自适应坐标变换对于提高计算聚焦激光束传输问题的精度和速度非常有效。Non-adaptive transformations are effective in calculating the propagations of the focused laser beams.

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雷达光栅扫描坐标变换器是雷达光栅扫描显示系统的关键部件。Radar raster scan coordinate converter is the most important part of a radar raster scan display system.

呃,我们用矩阵来计算,要比写坐标变换公式简单。Well, we can do computations with matrices in ways that are easier than writing coordinate change formulas.

文章介绍了一种CAXA制造工程师五轴加工中心数控编程中,实现从机床坐标系向工件坐标系的坐标变换方法。The article introduces a method to program for 5-axis machining center by means of CAXA manufacture engineer.

另外,讨论了薛定谔方程、克莱因-戈尔登方程的相位坐标变换问题。Furthermore we discussed the problem of phase transformation for Schrdinger equation and Klein-Gordon equation.

使用坐标变换法分析了斜角切削几何参数之间的关系。The geometrical parameters associated to oblique cutting were analyzed using the coordinate transformation approach.

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在坐标变换理论的基础上,提出了切削加工机器人关联矩阵加工理论。On base of the coordinate alternation theory, the relating matrix machining theory for the cutting robot is described.

采用了压缩性的坐标变换后,推导得到了五个一阶导数的微分方程组。Using a compressibility coordinate transformation, a set of the first derivative differential equations has been derived.

在射影坐标到欧氏坐标的坐标变换过程中,必须选择一定数量的校准点。Certain reference points need to be selected correctly when the projective coordinates are changed into the Euclidean ones.