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锅炉已经生起火了。The boiler has stoked up.

锅炉排放了蒸汽。The boiler discharged steam.

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那只锅炉刚爆裂了。The boiler burst up just now.

你给锅炉添了燃料没有?Have you stoked up the boiler?

他的父亲制作锅炉。His father was a boiler-maker.

蒸气从热水锅炉里冒出。Steam erupted from the geyser.

那个锅炉是用来烧水的。That boiler makes the water hot.

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我们想买一台湿背式锅炉。We want to buy a wetback boiler.

锅炉上烟气挡板不工作。Dampers in boiler not operational.

我们轮番给锅炉添煤。We took turns stoking the furnaces.

锅炉给水泵的水力压头是多少?How much is the dynamic head of BFP?

马克也有锅炉全部剪下。Mark also has the boilers all cut out.

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我们应该放掉锅炉里的蒸气。We should let the steam off the boiler.

水在这样的大锅炉中加热。Water gets heated in such giant boilers.

点火结束,锅炉投入正常运行。Igniting is over, boiler operates normally.

锅炉启动点火煤气为焦炉煤气。COG will be used to ignite and start boiler.

这里的好图片的锅炉管的工具。Here's good picture of the boiler tube tool.

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锅炉钢架安装程序。The boiler steel frame installation program.

由计算机控制的蒸汽锅炉。Steam boiler work is controlled by computers.

“芦村”锅炉不会让利润烧掉。Lucun boiler can keep profits from burning up.