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您想把他们装裱起来吗?Would you like to have them mounted?

她请人将这张古画重新装裱了一番。She had the ancient painting remounted.

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我回来时,她在装裱图画。She was mounting a picture when I came back.

第14课您想把它们装裱起来吗?Lesson14 Would you like to have them mounted?

冲洗好的照片被拿走了是因为我要装裱。The prints were gone because I was having them framed.

她丈夫把作品装裱在绒纸上,并制作了画框。Her husband mounts the work on velour paper and makes the frame.

让你自己保持一个好心情或者尽量去装裱你的思想。Keep yourself in a good mood or frame of mind as much as possible.

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提供各类中西画架、镜架、相架之装裱及订制服务。Provides framing service of all kind of paintings, photo, mirror , etc.

装裱名词在各个时代具有不同的内涵和名称。Picture-mounting terms take various forms and meanings in different ages.

为了重新装裱送给祖母的数码像框特意赶去她家,这个麻烦已经可以省去了。Save yourself a trip to grandma’s to reload the digital frame you gave her.

在中国,我们尚不知道是否有提供次种装裱服务的专业公司。We are not aware of any companies that do the process in China at the moment.

既看不到华丽的摆设,也没有装裱考究的字画。Absent here were gorgeous ornaments, exquisitely-framed calligraphy or paintings.

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玻璃碎了,就拿去重新装裱,不用多久就能拿回来。The glass shattered, and ugh. It took it to the framer . It'll be back in a jiffy.

装裱可以将电影海报保存的更久,但还有其他因素需要考虑。Framing can help to preserve a movie poster but there are other factors to consider.

可以使装裱的字画达到防潮、长期保存、耐水、不走样、之目的。Its advantages include not worm-eating easily, water-proofing, and long term storage.

以下这些装裱别致的照片就是那个时期典型的立体作品。Following these photos is unique mounting that period typical three-dimensional works.

一组精心设计的嵌入书架包含数百本需要重新装裱的图书。An elaborate set of built-in bookshelves that housed hundreds of books needed to be repainted.

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除了销售十字绣的成品和半成品外,秀云还提供装裱的服务。Besides cross-stitch sale of finished and semi-finished, show the clouds also provide mounts service.

装裱系列,灯箱型材系列等等八大类三千余种广告材料展览。Mounting series, light profile series and so on eight more than 3000 exhibition of advertising material.

泰勒现在把假条装裱起来了,他希望回到学校后可以顺利过关。Tyler has now framed the note, which he hopes will be accepted by his teacher when he returns to school on Monday.