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时装业将会像秋后的昆虫一样销声匿迹。The fashion industry would die like an insect in autumn.

一些农夫还担心瓢虫会吃掉他们秋后的水果。Some farmers also worry that the beetles may eat their late-autumn fruit crops.

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沉醉于春光而忘却辛勤石沉耕耘的人,就不能获得秋后的硕果。Those who enjoy themselves without thinking about sowing in spring will gain nothing in autumn.

高级军官们担心,他正在秋后算账,暗中对付他只见过两次的麦克克里斯托将军。Senior military officers fear he is second-guessing and undermining Gen McChrystal, whom he has met only twice.

许多美国学院和大学要求,秋后学期的申请必须在1月1日前必须完成。Many American colleges and universities require applications for the fall term to be completed by January first.

他敦促逃往土耳其的难民返回家园,并保证政府不会秋后算帐。He urged refugees who have fled to Turkey to return home and pledged that the government would not seek "revenge."

的确如此秋后粮食分到家后,经过冬种,春种、夏种三个季节,还没到新粮收割就吃没了。Indeed after autumn grain at home, after winter, spring, summer three season, not to the new grain harvest will eat out.

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“从严处理、秋后算帐、追究连带责任和多方责任的做法是不公平的。”超巨额基金原负责人董·克雷说。"Strict, retroactive, and joint and several liability isn't fair, " says Superfund's former chief Administrator Don Clay.

即使楚剑功不秋后算账,可这机会就白白溜走了。Even if Chu sword the finishing don't think Zhang behind the autumn, tin this opportunity slipped away for the pearly white.

尼龙扎带嫁接部位的塑料扎带不宜解除太早,以在秋后或下年春天解除为好。Nylon firm take grafting part of plastic firm with unfavorable too early, to remove the late-autumn next spring for good or termination.

特别是秋后的晚上。你的身体主要就是由水组成的,而且水不含卡洛里,不产生能量,水还有助于减肥合帮助消化。Your body is made up primarily of water and while water does not have calories to provide energy, it contributes to weight loss and assisting your digestive system.

记得在我小的时侯,等到秋后人们在辣椒收获之后,用针线把辣椒一个个穿起来,挂在干燥通风的屋檐下。Remembered is small in me, when after autumn people after hot pepper harvest, one all puts on with the needlework the hot pepper, hangs under the dry well ventilated eaves.