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这个月我们有点超支了。We're a little overspent this month.

你也不会在这些项目上超支。You don’t overspend in these categories.

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但是,如果美国超支了,那么亚洲就储蓄过剩了。But if America overspent, Asia oversaved.

压力下的采购会导致超支。Shopping under pressure leads to overspending.

那要归咎于费用超支和生产延误。That's because of cost overruns, delays in production.

该计划一直被费用超支和拖延困扰。The program has been troubled by cost overruns and delays.

借贷者拥有两张第一资金的卡,两张卡限贷都很低,使得他们很容易超支。That gives them two cards, with two low limits, to overspend.

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这也将工作,如后手,超支或千千音频文件。This will also work for audio files such as FLAC , APE or musepack.

与朋友进行交往,但不要因奢侈款待而超支。Socialize with friends, but don't overspend on lavish entertainment.

当你看到数字不断地上升,可能你就不会让其超支。When you see the numbers adding up, you’re less likely to overspend.

国防部将为所有的一些不可见的费用和超支的成本费用进行解释忽悠。The MoD will cough up for all 'unforseen expenses' and cost overruns.

如果你用信用卡支付很容易超支。It’s easy to overspend when your charging purchases to your credit card.

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对近几年超支化聚合物的应用研究进展进行了综述。The recent advance in application of hyperbranched polymer was reviewed.

凯特,你又去买东西了。你难道不知道这个月我们已经超支了吗?Kate, you went shopping again. Don't you know we've overspent this month?

结果是,他们总低估了他们的总花销,以超支华丽丽的收尾。As a result, they underestimate their total cost, and end up overspending.

到2009年,“星座”已大大超支且远远落后于预定计划。By 2009, Constellation was already way over budget and far behind schedule.

仅每年费用超支一项,就等于许多国家的政府预算额。The annual cost overruns alone equal the government budgets of many nations.

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我得把家里的账算一算,这个月我们超支了一点。I've got to go over the household budget. We're a little overspent this month.

医保对超支部分的补偿往往通过协商来解决。Part of compensation for cost overruns are often resolved through consultation.

美国在军事上的超支远大于政府的其他方面。America vastly overspends on the military compared with other areas of government.