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有关此事对任何人都只字别提。Don't breathe a word of this to anyone.

但是仅有一家全国媒体,对此报道了只字片语,轻描淡写而过。Barely a word about it has appeared in the national press.

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但在古巴比伦时期的记录中,却只字未提。There is no mention of them in ancient Babylonian records.

每句话,杜兰特都只字不差地复述了一遍。Every word, Durant is not only bad word to repeat it again.

我谨用只字片语,表达对你的祝福。I would like to use simple words to express wishes for you.

由于他夫人正在那儿,人们对此只字已提。We said nothing about it, because of his wife's being there.

他们在目前为止也对甲酰胺的禁令只字未提。And so far he also doesn't propose any prohibition to Formamide.

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即使现在有闲暇时间,也未必有心情写下如此的只字片语了。Even now i have the time , without the mood to write such words.

在听写一条消息的时候,这位困惑的男人写得只字不差。The perplexed man could write flawlessly when dictated a message.

故事点可能对所捕获数据的用途只字未提。The story may not say anything about the use of the captured data.

任何一台计算机所生产出来的数据,都可以只字不漏地传遍整个世界。Every bit of data ever produced on any computer is copied somewhere.

至于是否可以利用蟾蜍大脑制造洗手皂,他们在论文中只字未提。No word yet on whether a toad-brain based hand soap is in the works.

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年轻的张兆和并不懂拒绝,只好以沉默抵抗,只字不回。Zhang was very young at that time and did not know how to refuse him.

尽管敌人威胁要烧死她,但她依然只字未说。She would not say a word even though the enemy threatened to burn her.

最好的朋友就是那种能和你促膝而坐,彼此不说只字片语。The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with.

在演讲中,盖特纳先生只字未提中国的货币,人民币。In a speech here, Mr. Geithner never mentioned China’s currency, the renminbi.

佩奇与投资者的首度收入会议对社交网络只字未提。In his debut earnings call with investors, Page made nary a mention of social.

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注意没有我在这一部分中只字未提人民币价值。Notice that I didn’t mention the value of the renminbi at all in this account.

用温馨的只字片语触及你内心真实的童年情感。Shines with a feel-good, spare text that goes right to the heart of childhood emotions.

失败时只字片语的鼓励,比成功后长篇大论的赞美更有价值。A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success.