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艺术的形式是多种多样的。The forms of art are many and varied.

国家税的上缴方式多种多样。There are various ways to pay state tax.

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我们星球上的语言多种多样,估计达六七千种。Our planet is rich in language diversity.

有梭织机是多种多样的,它可分为三类。The old woman was weaving tweed on her loom.

我听见亚美利加在歌唱,多种多样的欢歌回响耳际。I hear America singing, its varied carols I hear.

监视更为方便的好处多种多样。The benefits of easier surveillance are manifold.

这个网站上的人让人吃惊的多种多样。The variety of people on the site was astonishing.

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揭发者们的目的多种多样千奇百怪,其中有些当然动机不纯。Leakers can have a variety of motives, some impure.

还有弥尔顿的推测,多种多样的可能性。There's Milton. There are a number of possibilities.

下棋的走法不但多种多样,而且错综复杂。The moves in chess are not only manifold, but involute.

其时谶谣的形式也是多种多样的。Prophecy in the form of the time rumors are also varied.

电子部有多种多样的收音机。The electronics department had a wide variety of radios.

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如果你是一家黄金矿商,想要寻求业务多样化,时机还不错.看涨黄金的理由多种多样.然而,铜长期前景要更为出众一些.It's not a bad time to diversify if you are a gold miner.

道岔区内病害形式多种多样。The kinds of diseases of the turnout zone are multifarious.

结果显示了神经及精神病的多种多样临床表现。Results There were a variety of neuropsychiatric presentations.

衰老的细胞多种多样,但是它们都失去了继续分裂的能力。Senescent cells are viable but have lost the ability to divide.

然而,这些环境的宿主和安全措施可能多种多样。However, the hosting and security of these environments can vary.

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在联邦选举委员会登记的政治委员会多种多样。Various types of political committees are registered with the FEC.

在分类学和生态学上,这些生物多种多样。The taxonomic and ecological diversity of these organisms is large.

语言教育的方法多种多样,故事教学法是其中重要而实用的一种。There are many ways to teach language to hearing-impaired children.